On a beach with you all over me(003)

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Matt and I decided today will be a beach day. He's wearing blue trunks and i'm wearing a hot pink bikini.

I packed two towels, and some drinks for us. As i'm putting the last drink i feel someones arms slither around my waist. Then i feel his chin rest on my shoulder.

I slowly turn around to meet his face.

"You know it's kinda sad you have to bend down to do this." I say slightly laughing.

"I don't mind it." He says before kissing me.

I laugh as he tackles me in kisses.

"Matt Matt." I say trying to get him off. "We gotta go." I say as he stops.

"Ugh fine." He says grabbing my hand.

I grab the bag that out stuff was packed in. We walk to the front door and slip our shoes on. He puts on nike slip ons and i put plain black flip-flops.

We head to the car, of course Matt is driving. On the way there it's silent. He's focusing on driving as i look out the window. When i see the beach i get excited. The ocean, the waves, the blue water, the smell of salt in the air. God i just love it.

I wish i brought my surf board. I love surfing.

When the car is parked i basically jump out of the car. I stand at the edge looking at the water. How perfectly it moves. And the sand, the empty sand, no one is here. This day is just getting better and better.

Matt makes his way over to me and grabs my hand. He drags me to the sand and makes me drop the bag and take my flip-flops off. He basically throws his slides off. He's still holding my hand as he's running to the water.

When my feet hit the cold water i let out a tiny squeal. He looks back at me and smiles. He picks me up making me squeal more.

"Matt! Matt put me down!" I say slightly hitting his shoulder.

He stands still letting me adjust myself. My legs are wrapped around his torso with my arms dangling over his shoulders. He rest one hand on my back and the other on one under my legs to hold me up.

He just smiles at me. His smile makes me melt and i smile too. He kisses me before slowly setting me down. He walks deeper in the water as i stay ankle deep. He's at his knees now. He looks back at me and waves. He wants me to come.

I do. I slowly make my way to him. Letting the cold water sink in. When i reach him i'm thigh deep.

"You're so tiny." He says joking with me.

"Yes yes i know." I say rolling my eyes.

When i make eye contact with him i notice a smirk creep onto his face.

"Matt, whatever your about to do, don't." I say with my eyes getting wider.

His smirk just gets bigger. He goes further in the water. Now he's waist deep. But of course i follow him. Now i'm right below my chest.

As soon as i get to him he pushes me. I try grabbing him but he's too slippery. I fall in the water all the way. When i come up he's moved farther from me.

I push throw the water and tackle him. He goes under when i jump on his back.

When he comes up he looks majestic.

"You little brat." He says making a face at me.

"Sue me." I say laughing.

I start making my way to the sand. The beach. With Matt following behind me. I make it and speed walk to the bag. I grab the blankets and lay them next to each other.

I sit down on mine and take a deep breath in. Matt makes his way towards me but doesn't sit on his towel. Instead he lays on me. My legs are spread and i'm using my arms to hold me up. He lays his head on my stomach.

"Matt you can't sleep on me, i'm gonna tan uneven." I say pushing his hair back.

"Give me five minutes." He says rubbing circles on my back.

"Fine." I say messing with his hair more.

I'm basically giving his hair a massage the whole time. When i stop he looks up at me.

"Uh? Why'd you stop?" He says grabbing my hand.

He places my hand back on his head.

"Sorry sorry." I say continuing what i was doing.

I find the bag and grab my phone. I open the camera and take a picture of this moment. Then take one of the ocean.

"Alright big boy, five minutes is up." I say tapping his back.

"Sad." He says slowly getting up. "I was just getting comfortable." He stretches then gets up fully.

I also get up, and walk to the water. When i get ankle deep i realize Matt has his phone. He's taking pictures. I smile for them, a genuine happy smile.

He walks back to our bag and puts his phone up. He makes his way back to me and wraps his arms around my waist again.

Then he kisses me. A nice long hard kiss. When he leaves it i suck in a breath.

"What was that for?" I ask confused.

"It's a thank you." He says smiling ear to ear.

"For?" I get more confused.

"For loving me." He says looking away.

"Oh baby." I say getting on my tippy toes.

I leave a kiss on his cheek. He slightly blushes making me blush. I put my palm on his cheek and rub my thumb.

"You are the best girlfriend ever." He says laughing.

"Oh i know, and you're the best boyfriend every." I say smiling wide.

He shakes his head in a joking way. Before i can think he picks me up.

"We're not doing this again!" I yell.

He runs deeper and deeper then drops me. When. i come up i gasp. I'm shocked he just did that. I look around in shock.

"What the hell Matt!" I yell pushing his chest.

"God i love you." He says smiling.

"And God i love you." I say before going in for a kiss.

Best beach day ever.

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