Bundle of joy(009)

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Matt and i didn't plan on being parents at the age of 20 and 21 but that seems to be where we are now. I'm sitting in the hospital bed about to give birth.

Nurses are running around and i'm trying to find Matt. His lost in the group of people trying to get ready. When i see his face i relax but not for a while.

He takes my hand and i notice my doctor at my feet.

"Okay you're gonna start pushing." She says looking up at me.

I'm to weak to say anything so i just nod at her. She tells me when to push and i do. I do it and it hurts. It hurts as if someone is ripping my organs out of me.

I throw my head back out of pain. I groan and i scream and all the while Matt is holding my hand and comforting me. Telling me everything will be okay. That this part is worth it. And i believe him, i want to believe that pushing a baby out of me is worth it.

On the fourth push i hear crying. I hear a baby cry. When i come back to reality i realize it's my baby. When i feel her on my chest i start crying more. I cry because she's beautiful, i cry because i'm happy, i cry because i'm exhausted from pushing her out of me.

"Look at her." Matt whispers so quietly i can barely hear him.

"She's gorgeous." I say between sobs.

When i look over at Matt he's smiling. He genuinely looks happy. His eyes are on her and only her.

"She looks exactly like you." I say looking back down at her.

"Scary." He says making a joke.

I laugh and look up at him. He was already looking at me. I give him a quick kiss and turn back to her. I look at her glowing brown eyes and her now smile that's exactly like Matt's. God she's absolutely perfect.

The nurse needs to take her to see how long and how much she ways. I hand her off feeling somewhat empty.

"We need to pick a name." I say looking back over at Matt.

"We do yes." He says looking down at me.

"What about Indigo?" I say somewhat quietly.

"Indigo Rempe, i like it." He says nodding.

I smile at him. We had so many names picked but we just couldn't decide. I went with my favorite one. I had never mentioned it to Matt before just now.

I'm glad he agreed to it though. When the nurse came back she smiled as she handed me Indigo.

"Pick a name yet?" She asks still smiling.

"Indigo." Matt says looking at her.

"Middle name?" She asks looking over at me.

My eyebrows fly up. I hadn't even thought of a middle name. I look over at Matt with wide eyes.

"What about May?" He says with a bright smile.

"Yes, Indigo May Rempe." I say with an even bigger smile.

I can tell the nurse doesn't like it that much. But what does it matter? She hears so many different names everyday. Plus i like her name, it's different, unique in a way.

When i look down at Indigo she's sleeping. Her mouth is pursed in a way that makes it look like she has no lips. I really need to pee.

"Can you take her?" I ask Matt.

"Everything okay?" He asks taking Indigo.

"Gotta pee." I say trying to get out of bed.

"Woah woah, let me help." The nurse says.

She takes my hand and helps me sit up straight. I stretch before standing up. I slowly stand up with the help of the nurse. She holds my hand as all my weight goes to my feet. I almost fall but luckily i catch myself.

When i make it to the bathroom the nurse lets me go myself. I make it to the toilet by myself. I do my business and wipe. I stand up and flush then make my way to the sink. I wash my hands extra good.

When i reach the door and open it the nurse is already waiting for me. Matt is still holding Indigo. She looks so small in his huge arms. She takes my hand and helps me make it to the bed.

When i hit the bed i feel a sense of relief. Matt comes over to me with Indigo and hands her to me. When she gets in the right position i can feel her melt against me.

Matt takes a picture of Indigo and me. He a takes a couple more and says he's gonna post it to instagram. He says he's gonna show the world how i powered through the tough part.

I shake my head at his silliness. I hear a knock at the door then i see a face.

"Hey Kreider." I say smiling as he walks through the door.

Then i see another face.

"Hi Mika." I say as he closes the door.

Of course they came together. The best friends of the whole team.

"How is our favorite girl." Mika says.

I laugh at him. I laugh knowing he likes everyones girl.

"Your girl is doing good." I say looking at him.

"Hey Matt." Kreider says walking over to him.

"Wanna hold her?" I ask Mika as Kreider and Matt talk.

He doesn't say anything, he just walks over to the sink and washes his hands. He comes back over and smiles.

I hand her to Mika and he immediately goes into dad mode. He knows how to hold her and how not to. He walks around and sways and talks to her.

He tells her about Matt and his adventures on the team. When i look over i notice Matt and Kreider are gone.

"Where'd they go?" I say looking back over at Mika.

"Maybe to get something to eat?" He says questioning himself.

I don't say anything more. When Matt and Kreider return they don't have anything. No food, no bags, no drinks, no nothing.

"Where'd you guys go?" I ask looking over at Kreider.

"To get food but everything is closed." He says shaking his head.

Mika comes over to me and hands me Indigo.

"Wanna hold her Kreids?" I ask looking over at him.

He does the same thing Mika did, doesn't answer just goes to wash his hands.

When he comes over to me he takes Indigo as if i'm a babysitter for her. I look at Matt and he just shrugs.

Matt comes over to me and kisses my head.

"You did good today." He says smiling at me.

"Thank you." I say giving him a kiss.

"I love you." He says before kissing my forehead.

"I love you more."

My fighter(Matt Rempe imagines) Where stories live. Discover now