My boy(002)

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I'm at a pre game dinner with Matt and his Family. Matt is on my left while Alley is sitting across from me. Steph is sitting next to Alley with their mom at the end of the table.

I'm extremely nervous because i've only met them about four times. But it's still very very nerve wracking.

"So Y/n what do you do for work?" His mom asks me.

"Well actually i'm still in school, i want to be a pediatric surgeon." I say not looking up.

Everyone stays silent after that. Everyone has a salad in front of them. I take a small fork full of the salad and eat it. I feel Matt put his hand on my thigh.

My eyes get wide and i feel flushed. I know i'm red by some of the looks i'm getting. I just need to get through dinner than we can go to the game.

We have two hours. But it'll feel like a hundred days.

We're silent while eating basically the whole time. No one talks, no one makes a noise, nothing. Which makes the awkwardness linger more.

While i'm drinking water Matt squeezes my thigh making me cough on my water. I immediately grab the napkin next to me and wipe my mouth. When i look up everyone's staring at me. But Matt's trying to hide his laughter.

I slap his arm then continue eating. When i put a mouthful of salad in my mouth i realize everyone is still staring at me.

"Sorry? Should i not be eating?" I ask confused.

"No you can, but are you okay?" His mom asks me.

I'm slightly confused. Then i realize, oh i just chocked on water.

"Oh me? No i'm fine." I say giving her a fake smile.

"Oh." She says pausing. "Okay."

I look over at Matt trying to get him to talk. But he's to busy eating his salad. I feel out of place here, like i don't belong. Then i start heavy breathing. Panic attack.

I need to go to the bathroom.

"Where's your bathroom?" Luckily i'm able to spit that out.

"Down the hall to your left." His mom says smiling.

"Thank you." I take a deep breath in then stand up.

I slowly make my way to the bathroom. I turn the light on, shut the door, then sit on the floor. It always stops when i sit on the floor.

I take slow breaths and shake my fingers. I slowly calm down. As i'm slowly very slowly calming down someone knocks on the door.

"Just a minute." I say.

Matt walks in and sits on the floor with me. He's sitting right across from me. He takes my hands and holds them. I continue the deep breath thing for about five minutes.

I finally calm down. Then the crying starts. Matt grabs me and holds me close. I'm sitting in his lap and i'm crying into his chest. He rubs my back in the most gentle way.

"I'm sorry." I whisper.

"Don't be." He says before kissing my head.

I stop crying and look at him. How does he deal with me?

"We gotta get going." He says looking at his watch.

"Yeah yeah of course." I say whipping the leftover tears on my cheeks.

He helps me up and i stand staring at the door.

"You gotta open it to walk through it." He says slightly laughing.

"Yeah i know i'm not stupid." I say shaking my head.

"Ah there she is." He says laughing more.

"There who is?" I question as i turn to him.

"You, your mean side. And boy do i love you mean side." He says teasing me.

"No not here." I say holding up my palm to stop him.

"Fine." He says.

I open the door and walk out. I make my way towards the kitchen where his mom and sisters are cleaning the dishes.

"Hey we gotta go." Matt says to them.

"Oh alright." His mom says. "We'll be there." She says smiling.

He goes and gives her a hug along with Alley and Steph. I just smile and wave at them before we head out.

His in his fancy clothes, he throws his tan coat on with his dark scarf. He has a tie on with those fancy shoes he wears. It's odd seeing him dressed up. But maybe it's because i wish he wasn't dressed at all.

We head to his car. I get in the passenger seat while he drives. He leaves on hand on my thigh as he keeps the other on the wheel.

I slip my tiny fingers through his. His hand wraps around mine. You can barely see mine. He takes my hand up to his mouth and leaves a small kiss on my knuckles. I get butterflies from this.

He lets my hand go to make a turn. I set my hand on my leg and rest it there. But it doesn't take long before he intertwines our fingers.

We pull up to the rink. We get out and walk up to a door. I have to go in through the front while he goes in the back way.

He slightly grabs my chin and gives me a kiss. My hands fall on his shoulders while one of his hands makes it's way to my hip. When we part i get sad. But it's fine, i'll see him on the ice.

"I love you." He says looking into my eyes.

"I love you more." I say smiling at him.

He kisses me goodbye one last time then walks through the door. I stand there for a little bit then make my way to the front. I walk in alone and show them my ticket and what not.

I make my way to my seat. Front row. Right by the glass. I get on my phone and scroll through instagram a bit. Then the oilers come out. Nothing exciting for me.

When i turn to my right i see Matt's mom coming towards me. She's smiling.

"Hey Y/n." She says.

"Hello." I say standing up.

I give her a light hug. She sits down next to me. Alley and Steph sitting next to her.

Then the real party happens. The rangers coming out. I wait and wait and wait. Then i see his smile. His amazing perfect smile.

He slides by me so fast he looks blurry. He stops in the middle of the rink and looks for me. When he finds me he blows me a kiss.

I smile and get flushed. He really is my boy.

My fighter(Matt Rempe imagines) Where stories live. Discover now