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I'm watching the refs talk. I can only make a few words out. Not like it matters anyways, he's gonna get thrown out. He's gonna get thrown out with two minutes left. Like seriously? What the hell?

When i see the refs split and one go straight to Matt i know. I just know. The ref points to the door and Matt willingly just goes. He doesn't put up a fight. I start to stand up but i quickly sit back down. What's two more minutes?

The game resumes but i'm still mad. Why does he do this? With two minutes left to? I don't understand what goes through his head sometimes. What did he think would happen? He'd get a prize?

The game started again but i was to mad to focus on it. I was to mad to realize they won. When everyone got off the ice i stood up. I stood up and walked to the changing room. I didn't need anyone to tell me to come in. I just went in myself.

When i saw Matt i just let everything out.

"You asshole, you fucking asshole, what the hell was that?! God you always do this shit!" I yell at him.

He stands there and stares at me. As if he doesn't know if i'm actually here or not. Everyone at this point is staring at me. I don't really care though.

"He was messing with Igor, what did you want me to do?" He says frowning his eyebrows.

"Back the hell off? That's an idea, ever think of it?" I say before shaking my head.

He snarls at me then brushes past me. Is he serious right now?

"Seriously?" I ask as i watch him.

"What? There's nothing more to be said." He says as he brushes past me again.

I look at him then i look at Kreider. He looks at me and shrugs his shoulders. My eyes widen at him. He shrugs his shoulders again but then makes a move.

"Hey maybe you should liste-"

"Stop, don't even get involved." Matt says to Kreider.

I roll my eyes and look around. Everyone is avoiding eye contact with me. No one wants to get involved. No one wants to deal with Matt. I don't want to deal with Matt.

I never want to deal with Matt. When Matt turns mad or disappointed he gets mean. I know he doesn't mean to but he does. He needs to work on it, and he tries but still.

"Matt talk to me, tell me what's going on." I say walking over to him.

"Nothing, nothing is wrong." He says putting a fake smile on.

I don't even want to speak to him. I don't want to speak because i don't know what kind of words will come out of him. I don't know what spikes he'll throw at me. And i don't want to encourage it.

I suck in a breathe and walk away. I need to get away from him. I need space from him. I just need out.

I walk out of the room, and out of the building. It's dark, cold, scary even. But i don't let it bother me. I sit on a bench and close my eyes. I listen to the tree's branches rattle and the wind flying by, with the birds chirping in the background.

I hear shuffling around me but i don't dare to open my eyes. I know it's the guys leaving, going him to their kids and wives, or girlfriends or even their dogs. All i want is to go home and sleep.

Sleep this night off, sleep this day off, just sleep this whole week off if i have to.

"He's not coming out, says he needs to be alone or something." My eyes fly open.

Adam is standing in front of me.

"Is he mentally ill or something? Is there something i don't know?" I say looking at him.

"He doesn't speak, he thinks if he keeps everything inside he'll be fine." He says sitting next to me.

"I, i just wish i could pick at his brain and i wish he would let me. I wish i could help." I say putting my head in my hands.

"He quite literally saves everything for the ice, that's where he blows steam off." When i look over at Adam i can tell he's being serious.

"How do i get him to talk?" I'm basically begging him to tell me.

"You don't, he talks to you." He says before getting up and leaving.

I stand up and head back inside. Head back to the monstrosity called Matt. When i go to the changing room i don't see Matt anywhere. I see nothing. He's not here?

I wonder around. When i go to the ice i see him. He's skating. He's practicing maybe? He's pushing himself. He's pushing himself too much. He's doing to much at a unhealthy amount of time.

I make my way down to the doors and open it. I walk out onto the ice and wait for him to notice me. I wait for him to stop moving around so much.

When he does notice me he scoffs. He scoffs? What did i do to him?

"What the hell is your deal? Like actually." I say standing my ground.

"Oh my god, nothing is wrong with me, nothing is the deal." He says rolling his eyes.

"Your such a fucking dick you know that? All i'm trying to do is help but you won't let me, you never let me, all you do is mope around and act like your some fucking king, but your not!" I yell at him.

"I don't mope, and i don't talk because why would i push my problems onto you?" He says frowning.

"Because that's what you do in a relationship, you tell each other your problems and you let them help." I say shaking my head. "So let me help, please."

He sucks in a breath then rubs his face. He looks around then looks back at me. He tilts his head.

"I'm scared okay? I'm scared i'm not good enough for you, i'm scared you'll find someone better and leave." I can tell it hurts him to say that.

"Oh Matt, i'm not gonna leave. I've found my someone, i've found my person. You are my person. You are my true love, and i know, i know i'm only 19 but i'm turning 20 in a month. So i know you are the one." I say making my way towards him.

I put my hands to his face and hold him. I feel tears fall down his face. I wipe them away and hold him closer. He leans into me and hugs me. He hugs me tight. He hugs me to where i feel like i can't breathe but i let him. I let him because he needs this.

He's needed a hug for a while, and he's finally getting it. I hold him, i hold him tight as he cries.

"It's good to cry." I say rubbing his back.

"I know." He says slowly letting me go.

I kiss him so he knows i'm being serious. I'm serious about him being my person. I think i know he's my person because no one's made me feel this way.

No one gives me butterflies like him, no one makes me laugh like he does, no one looks at me the way he does. No one has ever loved me like he has. And i want to keep this love, i need to keep this love. If not for me for him because he deserves the world.

"But seriously, stop fighting." I say smiling at him.

"Seriously?" He asks slightly laughing.

"Seriously." I say laughing with him.

My fighter(Matt Rempe imagines) Where stories live. Discover now