Chapter 26 The poor little boy abandoned by a wealthy family

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  No one mentioned it in the small utility room of the Wei family, but Wei Zhenge talked about the shares seriously, "I can't take the shares of Zhenge Group."

  "If you give these things to me, I won't know how to get along with you. They are too expensive and will make people cautious."

  Wei Zhenge knew that Jian Yuanbai would not have any thoughts, but he could not accept this with peace of mind, "You give me everything you have, and I don't know how to repay you."

  What he has never understood is why Jian Yuanbai has been determined to help him since he appeared next to him. No matter what others say, he will choose himself without hesitation.

  It's like...this person is here for him.

  Jian Yuanbai looked at him and almost blurted out: "I wish you could be my wife."

  Before he could say these words, two huge mountains of straight men and high school seniors came straight towards him, smashing down the little bit of itchy heart that appeared.

  Jian Yuanbai suddenly felt a little wilted.

  Seeing that Jian Yuanbai was a little downcast because of his rejection, Wei Zhenge felt somewhat inexplicably guilty. Obviously rejecting was the right thing to do. He couldn't take away Jian Yuanbai's hard-earned income for nothing. In order to make Jian Yuanbai happy Getting up, he thought for a while, "I have a gift for you."

  Jian Yuanbai's eyes lit up: "What gift?"

  Wei Zhenge took out a small box from the drawer in his room. He held the box with his thin white fingers and did not hand it to Jian Yuanbai for a long time. "I learned to carve this. It's not very pretty. If you don’t like it,”

  Jian Yuanbai thought he would just say he didn't like it, but he didn't expect to hear Wei Zhenge say hesitantly but seriously: "If you don't like it, just keep it. You don't have to wear it on your hand."

  He handed the box to Jian Yuanbai. Inside was a jade bracelet.

  There were black beads on both sides, except for a piece of dark green jade in the middle, carved in a way that Jian Yuanbai couldn't quite understand.

  Wei Zhenge looked at Jian Yuanbai's expression and felt a little nervous. He pursed his lips and said nothing.

  Jian Yuanbai put the bracelet on his hand directly and said loudly and enthusiastically: "I like it very much."

  Wei Zhenge breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but smile, "Just like it."

  Jian Yuanbai reached out and touched the carved dark green jadeite, and looked at it carefully, "Is this a carved kitten? It's very cute."

  Wei Zhenge's smile froze slightly, "It's Pixiu."

  When the two people looked at each other, Jian Yuanbai laughed awkwardly, and said in a covert manner: "I just said that such a handsome person should not be a kitten, so I asked."

  "You also said that there is nothing in return for me. I think the value of this is worth Zhenge's shares."

  Wei Zhenge stopped laughing, looked at him seriously and emphasized: "I can't take Zhenge's shares. You should know its current market value better than me. I can't take such a valuable thing for no reason."

  "Actually, these things I gave you are nothing to me."

  Jian Yuanbai said seriously: "This may be a very valuable thing to other people, but I can own it easily."

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