Ch. 1 - The Earthquake

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All the second graders of Jujutsu High in Kyoto, including you, were on a mission on the other side of town in an abandoned hotel. Utahime Iori accompanied them.

As you and Mechamaru worked together to take down a curse, you just managed to kill it as the ground suddenly started vibrating. Loud sirens echoed through the city.
"Earthquake! Get down!" Utahime yelled at you and your classmates.
Trying not to panic, you looked around to find some kind of shelter. Spotting an old desk, you immediately jumped under it. Mechamaru joined you, leaning his body over you to protect you.

The ground started shaking violently. The walls of the old building around you started cracking while you put your hands over your ears, still trying not to panic. "Don't worry, if anything happens it'll hit me first. I can be repared." Mechamaru shouted at you, trying to make you feel better. "I just hope it doesn't collapse!" You yelled back.
Your wish wasn't granted as you heard pillars break and ceilings coming down, not far from where you were hiding.
Luckily, the earth stopped shaking a couple seconds later. Carefully peeking out from under the table, you suddenly heard Utahime yell again. "Get out of the building! Now!"
She didn't need to tell you twice, You and Mechamaru got up and stormed out of the building within seconds.

Finally outside again, you met with Mai and Kasumi, as well as Utahime. "Let's get you back to school, before this building collapses completely. I don't trust it. And it seems like you all successfully eliminated your curses."
With that said, the 5 of you headed back to your school.

But when you arrived at the school ground, you were greeted by a huge sinkhole which had swallowed half of the school. Confusion and shock was written over your faces. "What happened here?" Kasumi asked, her eyes wide.
Just then, you spotted Gakuganji and the three 3rd year students, standing close to the edge of the sinkhole. Utahime immediately ran to them, asking the principal if he was alright.
"Luckily, we were all outside when the earthquake started. It all happened pretty fast, the ground almost split open and tried to swallow the building." Aoi explained to you. "That's insane. What are we going to do now?" You asked in disbelief, looking at Utahime.
"Me and the principal will talk alone about what to do next. You guys just stay away from the sinkhole, in case it decides to get bigger." And with that, You and the other students left.

"This sucks ass." Mai noted, rubbing her gun against the ground in front of her. You were all sitting close to the training field, waiting for news from Utahime. "Yeah. With how destroyed the building is, it will take weeks to rebuild." Noritoshi noted, his gaze flickering over the mass of broken wood and stone walls.
"I'm just glad noone got hurt." Kasumi added. You smiled at her; she was always so caring of everyone around her. That's why you and her were best friends. So similar, yet completely different.

"Guys, they're coming back!" Momo called excitedly, making you all look in the same direction. Utahime and Gakuganji were walking up to you, Utahime rubbing her temples as if she had a headache.
"So, we've come to a conclusion." Gakuganji started, getting all students attention. "Since the school will be shut down for about a month for rebuilding, we have decided to send you to another school for this time being."
Utahime took a deep breath, obviously wanting to continue. "I've talked to Satoru Gojo, from Jujutsu High in Tokyo. He and Principal Yaga agreed to take us in until the school is fully rebuild."

"No fucking way." Mai immediately protested, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm not spending a month there." - "There is no other option, Mai. You'll have to make it work." Utahime answered, trying to sound as caring as possible.
Everyone knew how much Mai despised her sister Maki, so it was obvious why she didn't want to go to the same school she was currently at.
"It could be fun." You shrugged. "Meeting new People, maybe even making new friends." Kasumi smiled, about to agree as Mai let out an annoyed huff.
"You're pathetic."

Needless to say, Mai didn't like you a lot. You didn't know why, maybe because you were always trying to see things as positive as possible. Maybe that annoyed her. She never told you why she didn't like you, but she made you feel often enough that she didn't. Utahime had to call her back a couple times during training so she wouldn't beat you up too much. Mai was simply too strong for you. Yet.

"Either way, if you like it or not, we're staying in Tokyo. I will join you while Gakuganji will stay here to look over the building process. We'll get some professionals here to try and recover everything that survived the earthquake." And with that, she made clear there was nothing to change this situation.


And that concludes Chapter 1! This is just a short introduction to the story, so the next chapters will be longer, I promise!

Thanks for reading! ✨

~ Shivers ~ *Toge Inumaki x fem!reader*Where stories live. Discover now