Ch. 15 - Joined Mission

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The next day finally came, so you and Inumaki met with Gojo in front of the school. The blindfolded man welcomed you with a wave and warm smile. "Good morning! You guys ready for your first joined mission?" You nodded excitedly, Inumaki next to you answering "Salmon!" - "Great, so let's go!"

Gojo drove the two of you to a nearby High-school. "Inumaki, please make sure she doesn't get injured. Shoko would kill me if." Gojo scratched the back of his head as Inumaki gave him a thumbs up. Huffing in annoyance, you stated you can take good care of yourself.

As Inumaki and you walked towards the school, you turned around to see Gojo staying by the car, giving you a reassuring smile. Then he lifted two fingers and you heard him mumbling words as a veil started forming in the sky above you.

"Tuna Tuna." Inumaki gained your attention back, making sure you concentrated on your mission.
The two of you started investigating the school ground, searching for any kind of source of cursed energy.
Getting closer to the main entrance of the building, Inumaki suddenly stopped walking, making you halt as well. You watched as his eyes focused on the building, flickering from window to window before he opened the zipper of his uniform, revealing his mouth. Then his gaze fell to you as he nodded towards the building. "Tuna."
How the hell did he manage to tell where the curse is? You couldn't feel anything. It intimidated you a little how powerful he actually was.

Inumaki led you into the school, both of you checking different directions. "Should we split up and just yell for the other when we need help?" That suggestion definitely didn't convince the boy in front of you as he gave you a dumbfounded look, blinking a couple times. "Bonito flakes."
"Okay, than how are we supposed to find this thing?" You barely finished your sentence as a wall, about 50 feet away from you, broke open, revealing a screeching curse. You pulled a face as you saw it, it looked like a gigantic, fat baby, just with 4 arms and 3 eyes and a sludgy-green colour.

The curses eyes landed on you, it's irises spinning widely as it screeched again before it ran towards you. Putting your hands together, a huge swarm of bees appeared behind you, buzzing aggressively.
From the corner of your eye, you saw Inumaki opening his mouth, taking a deep breath. But in a brink of a second, a clump of green fingers covered his mouth.
A shocked breath left your lips. That thing could extend his arms.

With a swipe of your fingers, you send your bees to attack the curses hand that was holding Inumaki, who was currently digging his hands into the flesh of the fingers, trying to somehow get out of it's grasp.
As a bunch of your bees started stinging the curses hand, it wailed in pain. But instead of dropping Inumaki, it threw him into a wall by it's side, leading to Inumaki hitting his head and falling unconscious.

Your worried eyes focused on him for a second, but you couldn't help him right now. He was probably fine either way. And you really needed to get rid of this curse first.
Grabbing your daggers, you ran over to the curse as it was busy trying to swap away your swarm of bees. Using this distraction, you leaped at the curse, targeting one of his eyes.

But you weren't fast enough. Before you even reached it's head, the eyes were suddenly on you. Your body went stiff in shock, it's dark red eyes drilling into yours. The next thing you felt was a gigantic hand clasping your arm tightly, exactly where you've broken it before.
Screaming in pain, you tried to free yourself from it's continously tightening grip by repeatedly shoving the dagger in your free hand into it's skin. When it finally let go of you you dropped onto the tiled floor, your hand clasping your arm. It hurt again.

Looking up, your eyes met the curses ones. They were darker now, twitching furiously. You were already panting, but there was no other way. You had to win.
Getting back up to your feet, you clasped your dagger tightly in your hand. Your whole body was shaking, adrenaline and pain making your head feel dizzy. Just as you wanted to sprint at it, you felt a hand on your shoulder.

Turning around, you saw Inumaki, giving you a weak smile. His forehead and nose was bleeding. "You're injured, please..." He interrupted you with a simple shake of his head. Slightly pushing you away, he silently told you to keep your distance.
You watched as he walked up to the curse, before he came to a halt about 20 feet away from it. He took a deep breath before the words "Get crushed." left his lips.

In a matter of seconds, you watched as the curse imploded in front of your eyes, flattening to a thin mush of green before it vanished completely.
The look on your face was in complete shock. This was what your boyfriend could do with just his words? A mixture of proudness and fear filled you.

But you were back to worry as Inumaki stumbled forward, spitting out a load of blood on the floor in front of him. "Toge!" you yelled, a frightened tone in your voice as you stumbled towards him. He was still on the floor, breathing heavily. "Come on, let's get you out of here." Lifting one of his arms over your shoulder, you helped him stand up and get out of the school.

Walking to the edge of the veil, you noticed how it started lifting, revealing Gojo and the car. "You did a good job!" He noted, clapping his hands. You rolled his eyes at him. "It got a hold of my arm. Ieri will kill you." you snarled at him as he helped you get Inumaki into the car. "Yeah, well, I know. But at least you both managed to exorcise the curse without my help!" His forced positivity was bugging you a lot right now, but you just huffed before getting into the backseat of the car, next to Inumaki.

The drive back to school was silent, you staring out the window, until you felt something soft grasping for you hand. You were surprised first, until you saw it was Inumakis fingers, searching for yours as showed you a tired smile. Returning his smile, you took his hand into yours, gently squeezing.


"You got to be fucking kidding me, Satoru." Ieri growled at Gojo as she held your arm. The teacher scratched the back of his neck, a slightly embarrassed grin on his face. "How should I have known the curse would go for her arm?" - "You couldn't! That's why I told you you shouldn't send her on missions until her arm is fully healed!"

Putting her attention back on you, she eyed your slightly bruised skin. "Do I have to wear a cast again?" You couldn't hide the disappointment in your voice. The older woman gave you a gentle smile, shaking her head no. "It's not that bad of an injury, don't worry about it. Just try to take things a bit slower. And no missions!" The last sentence was more directed to man behind her instead of you.

"How's Toge?" you asked, your eyes on Gojo. "Ahw, don't worry about him. He can take a lot more than just that. He'll be fine again in no time." A relieved sigh escaped your lips. Getting up from the table, you started walking to the exit. "You go ahead. I'll have a little talk with this teacher." Ieri informed you while smiling. "Oh god, please don't." you heard Gojo mumble, but you were already out the door.

Back upstairs, you walked up to Inumakis room, expecting him to rest in his bed. Gently knocking against the wood, you heard a croaked "Salmon!" from inside. You opened the door, your eyes finding Inumaki where you've expected him to be. On his bed, phone in his hand. A small smile formed on your lips. "Hi you." 

Closing the door behind you, you walked up to him as he mirrored your smile. "Kelp." His voice was hoarser than ever before. Before you reached his bed, he pointed at your arm. "Mustard leaf?" - "Oh, it's fine. Just a little bruised but nothing serious." You informed him as you layed down next to him. He swung his arm around you, pulling you closer as you rested your head on his chest. "How's your throat?" - "Bonito flakes." he answered before coughing lightly, making you snicker. "Yeah, I can hear that."

Lifting your head from his chest, you looked up at him, your eyes finding his soft, purple ones. "Thank you, for helping me." Inumaki furrowed his thin brows in confusion, shaking his head. He raised one of his hands to your hair, running his fingers through your strands. "I love you." He whispered so quietly you almost didn't catch it, a faint blush on his cheeks. Smiling at him, you pulled yourself upward to capture his lips into a loving kiss. "I love you too."

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