Ch. 7 - Spin the bottle 🍋

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Chapter includes Smut! Only read if you're comfortable with it! ^^

Thanks for reading!

Now you were all sitting in Itadoris room. Inumaki still kept his distance to you, he hasn't even looked at you ever since you and Kasumi entered the room. But being very honest, you just wanted to have fun with your friends right now. Maybe he'll relax a bit as well and actually start talking to you again.

Kasumi and you sat together with Itadori and Maki, enjoying your sushi and chatting (You definitely hit the younger boy on the head for talking about your dress like that). But you couldn't help as your gaze flickered over to Inumaki who was on the other side of the room with the rest of your group.
Apart from Aoi, who wasn't there yet.
And even if Inumaki knew you were looking at him, his eyes never met yours. It bummed you a lot. You missed catching his soft purple gaze when he was already looking at you.
You missed him.

Suddenly the door busted open, Aoi stepping inside. He looked around, a grin on his face. "What is this, a party? That's no party." He grabbed a half-full bottle of water, downing it before sitting on the ground. "Make a circle! Go go go!"
Everyone just did as he said, moving around so everyone sat in a circle. At first, you sat next to Itadori and Kasumi, but Itadori quickly got called over by Aoi to sit next to him. He complied excitedly, and as he got up you saw who you were sitting next to now.

Obviously, It had to be Inumaki.
As he finally looked at you, just for a moment, you gave him a small smile before scooting over to where Itadori was sitting before.

"Spin the bottle? Really? Isn't that something for children's birthday to get their first kiss?" Maki mocked Aoi, but he didn't even listen. "The one who has the bottle spins it and asks the ones who it lands on a question, which has to be answered truthfully! Then that person spins, and so on and so on." Aoi explained, as if none of you ever played this before.
It started of pretty child-friendly, like "Which superpower would you like to have" or "If you could be an animal, what would you be?" easy stuff.

"This is getting boring. Let's make it more interesting." Aoi called before spinning the bottle. It landed on Inumaki.
Silently, you prayed to God he wouldn't ask anything that could lead to you.
"Your first time making out? How was it?" Inumaki blinked a couple times before pulling out his phone with his notes app. After some typing, he held it out to Aoi so he could read it out loud.

"Weird. Way too much saliva and she tried to stick her tongue down my throat."
Aoi laughed, holding his hand up to Inumaki for a High-5. "See, that's what I'm talking about. Getting to know the good shit." He handed the bottle to Inumaki, who just held it into his hands for some seconds before shrugging. "Tuna Mayo." He handed it to Maki, who was on his other side. A couple rounds later, the bottle landed on you. Itadori had to ask the question, so he thought for a second.
"Did you do *it* yet?"

You looked at him with wide eyes while Aoi was very happy about that question. "Yeeeesss! That's why we're here for. Come on Y/N, who did you bang?"
From the corner of your eye, you saw Inumakis gaze drilling into the side of your head.

Oh now he could look at you??

"The question was if I did it before, not with whom. So yeah, I did *it* before. My turn." Apart from Inumakis gaze, you now also felt Kasumis shocked eyes on you. "You did?! And didn't tell me?!" She was very upset that you didn't tell your best friend.
"I want to know now! Come on!" You didn't want to talk about this in detail, for obvious reason, so you poked you tongue out at her instead. "If you spin the bottle and it lands on me, you can ask me. That's the game."

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