Ch. 3 - New Feelings

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! Mention of mild smut in the end !

When Utahime and Gojo finally came back, they told you about the room organisation's. They didn't have enough for everyone to get their own room, so they had to put you up in pairs per room.
Kasumi and you immediately volunteered to share a room, so Aoi and Noritoshi stayed together as well as Mai and Momo. Since Mechamaru didn't necessarily need a bed, a chair in the boys room would be enough for him.

After you brought your bags into your room and unpacked a bit, Kasumi and you decided to get some dinner from the cafeteria. It was nice that it was Friday, so you wouldn't have to spend the next days focusing on school but got to hang out with the new people instead.

Getting into the cafeteria, your eyes immediately scanned the room for silver hair. Just when you realised he wasn't there, you asked yourself why you were even looking for him. You've barely talked to him, yet it was something about him that drew you in, wanting to get to know more about him.

The only other people in the Cafeteria were Itadori and Kugisaki, so you asked if you could join them.
As you guys talked a bit, you realised Itadori and you actually had a bit in common. He also had a very strange taste in Movies, so you started talking about your favorite ones. Kasumi excused herself after a while as she was almost falling asleep trying to hold a conversation. Assuring her you'll follow soon, the other two said goodnight to her.
You spend about half an hour talking to Itadori and Kugisaki, to the point where they invited you and Kasumi to join them and Fushiguro on a trip to visit the shopping districts of Tokyo the following day. You've never been to Tokyo before, so you agreed excitedly.

When you finally walked up to your room, you were still grinning. Making new friends felt amazing, and they were all so kind here. It was nice to get some fun time after everything that happened earlier with Mai.

Suddenly, you heard heavy footsteps behind you. You didn't think much of it first, but when you turned around the corner into the hallway of your room, the footsteps were still following close behind.
When Mai pushed you against the Vending mashine earlier, she said it wasn't over yet. So was she now following you to beat you up or something?

Slowly reaching for one of you daggers, you pulled it out and turned around in a split of a second, pointing your weapon at the person behind you.
Much to your surprise, it wasn't Mai. Instead it was Inumaki, who immediately held his hands up in defeat, his eyes wide in shock.
He held his phone in one of his hands, the text messenger app open. You figured he was probably looking at his phone the whole time while walking, not even seeing you in front of him.

Sighing on relief, you lowered your dagger, leading to Inumaki also putting his hands down. "I'm so sorry Inumaki. I thought you were...someone else." While the boy in front of you still tried to normalize his breathing and racing heart, you actually took a good look at him. For the first time, he wasn't wearing his uniform. Instead, he wore a dark Grey shirt with some black sweatpants, instead of his collar he had a teal scarf with black stripes covering his mouth. His hair was lightly spiking upwards with tiny droplets of water hanging off some strands. Your nose caught a nice scent of freshness coming off of him. So he just took a shower?

"What are you doing here, if I may ask?" You tried to sound as comforting as possible after just scaring the shit out of him. Inumaki thought for a second, then pointed to the door to your right, which led to the room next to yours, then he pointed at himself.
"Oh, this is your room?" You asked and he nodded while smiling, clearly happy about you understanding him. "So we're neighbors! That's nice!"
Suddenly, an idea came to your head. Wanting to tease him a little bit, you smiled mischievously. "Maybe I can come visit you when I can't sleep at night?"

After the words left your lips, you immediately turned so he wouldn't see how red your face became. You quickly walked over to your room, not daring to take a look at him as you closed the door behind you.
Leaning against it, you couldn't fight the big grin spreading across your face.
"Who's got you smiling like that?" Kasumi asked, looking up from her book with a questioned smile. You shook your head, snickering to yourself.

* Inumaki's POV *

His eyes were glued on her as she walked into her room, his mouth agape and face turning red. Did she really just say that?
Quickly slipping inside his room, he closed the door behind him before leaning against the hard wood. His mind was spinning, the sentence she just said to him repeating itself over and over again.

"Maybe I can come visit you when I can't sleep at night?"

Not being able to control his thoughts properly, he started imagining what would happen if she'd suddenly show up at his door. Maybe she'd start kissing him, first his lips, then moving to his jaw, kissing his neck, his collarbones, his chest, gliding further down...

Inumaki groaned in frustration, running both his hands over his face as heat started pooling in his stomach.
'You're so immature, getting turned on from just that?' he thought to himself as he walked over to the Mini-fridge in his room, taking a bottle of water to try to cool himself down.
After he drank about half of it, he propped his hands up on his desk. Sighing in defeat, his gaze fell to his crotch and the growing tent in his sweats.
'Maybe she didn't even mean it like that.' he tried to tell himself.

He was actually ashamed of himself, having this intense reaction to a probably very casual sentence from a girl he just met today.
Yet, he couldn't help it, the buldge in his pants twitching, begging for attention.
'Shut up.'

Since he was already feeling bad about the pictures that filled his mind, he wouldn't act on it.
Collapsing on his bed with another frustrated groan, he took his phone out and started watching random YouTube videos as a way to distract himself.


Ahh, I'm so excited to finally post this story after it's been on my mind for so long. I love writing about shy, horny men, and Inumaki is pretty much the best fit for that! I'm really hoping you guys understand what I'm going for ^^

Thanks for reading

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