Ch. 2 - Meeting new people

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After a long train ride, you and your schoolmates finally arrived at Jujutsu High in Tokyo.
All of you carried nothing but a small bag of clothes. With the time pressure, the men that were to recover the items from the destroyed building couldn't save a lot. "They will provide you with spare uniforms there." Utahime had promised.
Infront of the school stood 2 men, one with brown, short hair wearing sunglasses, the other one tall and white-haired with a blindfold covering his eyes.
Principal Yaga and Satoru Gojo, you guessed. You knew Gojo as the strongest Sorcerer of today, and apparently also a very annoying invididual. At least from what Utahime told you about him.

"Helloooo Utahimeee!" Gojo smiled brightly, waving his arm around to greet her. Yaga turned to you and the other students instead. "Hello everyone, I'm principal Yaga. We're very sorry about what happened to your school. We will try our best to make your time spend here as pleasant as possible."
"Hi, I'm Satoru Gojo by the way. But I bet you knew that already from all the great stories Utahime must've told about me." Gojo gave Utahime a teasing smile, to which she groaned in annoyance. "Let's get you guys inside, meet the others!" Gojo continued, pointing towards the open door behind him.

As you walked into the school, you didn't notice any big differences to your school. It was also a very traditional, Japanese building.
Gojo and Yaga led you around, showing you the classrooms, cafeteria, hangout spots and the dorms.
After that you all walked outside to greet the other students.

"So, these are my first year's, I'm their teacher. And these are our second years, and their teacher, Atsuya Kusakabe!" Gojo wanted to introduce the students himself, when Utahime interrupted him. "How about we go around, say our names and our techniques? Just to get to know each other?"
Some groans of disagreement were heard, but obviously you all had to do it neverless. So, your schoolmates started introducing themselves until it came to you.

"Uh, hi, I'm Y/N Y/L/N. I'm a shikigami user, I can summon bees to help in battle. And I carry two daggers with me which I infuse with cursed energy."
You hated how nervous you sounded, you were glad when Kasumi started talking after you.

Then the Tokyo students started introducing themselves. And even though you thought the people from your school were special, they managed to top it all.

First, Sukunas vessel. Then, another Shikigami user. And Maki, a member of the Zenin family who's not able to produce her own cursed energy.
Then, A PANDA??

Last came a boy who, even though you wouldn't admit it, caught your eye from the moment you saw him. You didn't know what it was, maybe it was the way he covered half his face with the collar of his uniform, or maybe those deep purple eyes which were showing a kind of softness you've never seen before. Either way, you were excited to hear from him.
But when it came to him, Panda started talking again.

"And this is Toge Inumaki! He's a cursed speech user, so he tries to only communicate in Rice Ball ingredients as to not accidentally curse everyone around him." Inumaki raised his hand.
You couldn't help but giggle. That was surprising, but very cute.
Much to your luck, everyone had heard you.

Pandas head snapped in your direction. "Did you just laugh?" He asked in a harsh tone, squinting his eyes. You immediately felt your face heat up. "N-No! I mean..." You stuttered your words, embarrassed by the situation. Looking at Inumaki, his eyes met yours. They still had the same softness in them as before. So he wasn't mad.
Turning back to Panda, you tried to explain yourself. "I just- It was very unexpected. I've never met a cursed speech user before."
Your eyes found Inumakis once again. "I'm sorry if I might have offended you. I didn't mean to." You apologised, bowing lightly to show your honesty.
Even though you couldn't see Inumakis mouth, you knew he smiled at you by the way his eyes closed and his cheeks rose up lightly.

~ Shivers ~ *Toge Inumaki x fem!reader*Where stories live. Discover now