Ch. 9 - The Injury

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So I'll just throw this at you and do a little happy dance that I can finally update again!!

[Update, literally 2 hours after i've posted this: My phone is still broken. Just in other ways now. But i've secured all my stories to my other phone now so at least those are saved!]

Thanks for reading!

Kasumi and You got up to get dressed before heading to the washrooms, brushing your teeth and freshening up. Utahime told you to meet with her on the training grounds, where you met Mechamaru and Mai as well. You haven't seen Mai ever since that encounter in the cafeteria, where she full on threatened you. She gave you a fake smile, making you roll your eyes.

"Okay guys, I know this is our first lesson here and it's been hard for some of you. But please try to make the best out of this situation!" Utahime tried to lift your spirits before moving on with the lesson. "We'll start with classic combat training. No weapons, no cursed techniques. Who wants to go?"
Mai immediately stood up, looking at you. "I want to go against Y/N."
You squinted at her. Was she planning something? Either way, you wouldn't get intimidated. "Okay, let's do this."

The fight started how it usually would, Mai landing hits while you couldn't get close enough to her. You were already breathing heavily after only a couple minutes, but you were determined to win. Only one time.
Blocking her kicks, you found a short moment where her left side was unprotected. So you quickly went for a punch to her side.
Mai was faster though, gripping your wrist before turning you around, hold your arm behind you back.
"You know, I've heard you seem to be interested in that Inumaki kid?"
Fuck, where did she get that from?
Pushing you away, she looked at you with an evil smile. "You fit well together, you know. Both small, pathetic and weak."

Something inside you clicked.
What did she just say?

In a split of a second, you were at her side, grabbing her arm. She looked at you in shock, you were too fast for her to do anything.
Pulling her arm behind her back, she tried grabbing you with her free arm. You quickly took care of that as your other hand went to her head, pushing her face-forward onto the ground.
As she layed there, still restrained by you, you leaned down to her. "You can make fun of me all you want, I don't give a shit." You growled at her as she tried to push you off. "But don't you dare talk shit about Inumaki. He's a thousand times stronger than you. So who's truly the pathetic one?"

Suddenly, you heard clapping from the side of the field. Looking up, you saw Kasumi and Mechamaru, both applauding for you. "You did it! You finally beat her!" Kasumi yelled in excitement while Utahime smiled proudly at you. Finally letting go of Mai, you stood up and walked over to them, a proud smile on your face.
Being so focused on your friends infront of you, you didn't hear Mai getting up behind you. Running up to you, she grabbed your arm to lift it behind your back. "Stupid fucking bitch." She muttered into your ear.
Everything happened so fast, you could only hear Utahime screaming at Mai before you felt something snap.

It was your lower arm. Mai just broke it.

Screaming in pain, you fell to your knees onto the grass. "Mai, what is wrong with you?" Utahime yelled at your classmate as Kasumi and Mechamaru came running to you. "She talked shit about me!" - "That is no excuse to break her arm!" - "It was an accident!"
You were still kneeling on the ground as Kasumi arrived at your side. Gritting your teeth, you were gripping your arm a little higher to where the bone snapped while tears formed in your eyes.
You've never broken a bone before.
"Get her to Gojo, he'll help you find Schoko. She can fix it." Utahime told you and Kasumi before turning back to Mai.

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