Ch. 12 - "Do that again." 🍋

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I gotta be honest, when i reread ahat i've written so far i actually scared myself with how much smut i wrote xD
So yeah. More smut.
Be prepared for even more smut in the future.

Thanks for reading!

* Inumaki's POV *

He was feeling so confident for about 2 minutes, but her words made him get back to the wild blushing, shy mess he always was around her. His gaze fell to her bandaged arm before looking back up again, giving her a questioned look. How was she planning on doing this?
"We'll make it work." She winked at him before squirming, making him move off of her so she could stand up.
Inumaki caught a view of her ass in just her panties, making him blush even harder and his dick twitch again. He was almost painfully hard by now as she turned to him, smiling. "Come on, get up."

He did as she told, standing in front of her. "Kiss me." He obeyed again, one of his hands on her jaw as he leaned down to capture her lips in yet another headed kiss. A surprised groan left his mouth as she started rubbing his buldge, his hips desperately bucking against her hand to get more friction. Then she suddenly stopped.
Inumaki whined, breaking the kiss to look at her. She was just grinning. "Don't move. If you move, I'll stop."

A wave of heat crashed down on Inumaki's body. Normally, he was the one to make people do what he wants, thanks to his technique. But now her being the one telling him what to do and what not do to was incredibly arousing to him, his dick twitching for the seemingly 100th time since they've started.
He swallowed hard. "Salmon."

Taking a step back, she bit her lip while smiling at him. "Take your pants off." Inumaki looked at her, blinking a couple times. It felt weird undressing in front of someone else, and at the same time incredibly hot undressing for her. So he did, opening his button and zipper, pants dropping to the floor where he kicked them off his feet. She watched him with Lust-filled eyes.
"Mhm, good boy."


He let out an involuntary whimper at the nickname, his erection pressing desperately against the confinement of his boxers. More heat rose to his face.
"Underwear off too."
Inumaki hesitated for a second, chewing at his bottom lip as his brows furrowed. He felt uncomfortable, exposing himself so openly, in the middle of his room.

"Toge." Her soft voice brought his attention back to her. Her Lust-filled eyes got replaced by worry. "If I'm going too far, just tell me. I don't want you to feel uncomfortable or have you feel pressured to do anything." His heart swelled at her words. The way she so deeply cared for her made him feel a new rush of confidence. So, he nodded his head.
"You okay to keep going?" She asked again, just to reaffirm. He nodded again. "Salmon."
"Okay, so take them off."

Hooking two of his fingers into the waistband of his boxers, Inumaki took a deep breath before pulling them down and kicking them off as well. His dick stood hard and proud, lightly pulsating. His eyes were on the ground, not daring to look at her as his whole face felt hot.

"Good boy."

Those fucking words. His erection bobbed again, finally freed from it's tight confinement.
"Tops off too. Want to see all of you."
His shirt joined the pile of clothes as he now stood completely bare, in the middle of his room, rock hard and desperate for attention.

"Fucking hell, you're absolutely beautiful." That made Inumaki finally look up again. He watched as Y/N shamelessly checked him out, eyes roaming his body as she bit her lip. "Can't wait to feel that inside me one day." She cooed, eyeing his now leaking hard on.

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