Ch. 6 - Acknowledgement

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A/N: This chapter includes some light smut! Toge needs some...Self love *cough*

Thanks for reading! ✨

* Inumaki's POV *

His back was pressed against the door behind him, his breathing erratic. Her lips where back on his, their tongues dancing with each other. Not being able to hold back small his moans, he blushed at his own sounds. His whole body felt like it was on fire as one of her hands buried itself in his hair, tugging lightly. As he thought it couldn't get any better, her mouth moved to his jaw, leaving kisses before she started sucking at his neck, surely leaving bruises. He was full on moaning by now, no intention of holding himself back.
Suddenly, she dropped to her knees on the floor in front of him, eyeing the tent in his pants while biting her lip. She didn't waste no time, pulling his pants and boxers down to reveal his twitching erection. "Please." He whined, she smiled up at him. Her mouth was so close, he could feel her breath on his sensitive tip~

With a loud gasp, Inumaki woke up. He was sweating and breathing heavily. That was a dream?
Sighing, he ran both his hands over his face, pushing the strands that were sticking to his forehead away. Lifting his blanket, he knew for sure he wouldn't be able to ignore that problem this time. He was so hard it almost hurt, his tip peeking out from under his boxers, an angry red color and already lightly leaking onto his stomach.

"Fuck it." he muttered to himself, pulling his briefs down just below his balls before stroking himself at an already fast pace. He whimpered at the friction, closing his eyes to concentrate on the feeling.
Since he was already doing this after dreaming about her, he let his mind continue where his dream left off. He imagined how her pretty pink lips would look like stretched around his dick, never breaking eye contact with him as she bobbed her head. Inumaki whimpered again, he knew he wouldn't last long, being way to sensitive after his dream.

As a knot in his stomach started forming, he propped his feet up to move his hips as well. His mind went farther, imagining her on top of him as he thrusted into her, her repeatedly moaning his name and how good he made her feel. He was full on fucking his hand by now, imagining it was her instead, chasing his release as his free hand gripped the bedsheets beneath him.

And when he came, he came hard.
He wanted to scream, moan her name and listen to it echoing off the walls. But he couldn't. Instead, he bit his bottom lip so much it drew blood, a deep grunt vibrating in his throat as his twichting dick spurted cum, some of it even hitting his chest and chin.

After that, he just layed there for a minute, eyes still closed while he tried to catch his breath. This was probably, the hardest he'd ever came, what would happen if his fantasy actually became reality? Would he just die?
Looking down at himself and the mess he had made, the guilt started building up. How could he face her again after thinking of her like this?
He decided this was a problem for later. Grabbing some tissues, he cleaned himself up before going back to sleep.

* Y/N's POV *

You woke up with rain crashing against your window. Since your bed was right next to it, it was so loud that there was no way you'd fall back asleep. Rubbing your tired eyes, you sat up and looked around. Expecting Kasumi to still be asleep, you were surprised to notice her bed was already made. So you stood up as well, getting dressed before making your way to the cafeteria.
Kasumi was sitting with Mechamaru and Aoi, waving you to her as soon as she spotted you. Inumaki and Maki were also there, but when him and you made eye contact for a second he immediately looked down as if he hadn't seen you.
You didn't know what you did, ever since you two were in that dressing room he's been acting weirdly distant to you. Maybe your joke about him watching you undress went too far? But why wouldn't he just explain it then?

Sitting down next to Kasumi, you made sure you had your back turned to Inumaki. Maybe he would realise
that you were hurt by his actions.
"Good morning guys." You smiled at your schoolmates as they also greeted you. Kasumi gave an apologetic smile. "How was the shopping trip? I'm really sorry I couldn't come with you." - "Nah, don't worry about it. It was fun still, Hinatsuru made me buy a dress I never would've bought by myself." You laughed.

Aoi, who was busy with his phone until now, suddenly looked up. "Oh, you mean that black dress with your boobs popping out?" He grinned at you as you stared at him in shock. "Wh-what? How do you know?" - "My bro Yuji told me about it. Must've looked great on you." You groaned in embarrassment, using your hands to cover your bright red face. "They weren't supposed to see that! I didn't even know they were there!"

Aoi then leaned over the table, getting closer to you so he could whisper "He also told me how you and Inumaki spend some time in that dressing room together." He nodded towards the guy sitting a couple feet behind you.
"WHAT?!" Kasumi shrieked in Schock, making everyone in the room look at her. "Calm down Kasumi!" you whisper-yelled at her, not daring to turn around and face Inumaki. Turning back to Aoi, you tried to explain the situation. "He just wanted to comfort me. I felt horribly embarrassed after Fushiguro and Itadori saw me like that." - "Oh, but he seeing your massive cleavage was okay?" Aoi kept teasing, making you groan again. This guy - he was a great guy, but whenever it came to stuff like this he was always annoyingly invested.

Trying to change the subject, you turned to Mechamaru who up to this point hasn't said a single word. "How do you feel, Mechamaru? Kasumi told me you weren't feeling well yesterday." - "I'm fine, thank you, but don't try to change the subject. This is highly entertaining." If he would've had the ability to grin, you knew he would be grinning right now. "Thanks for the support, friend." You answered sarcastically.

Kasumi leaned over to you, whispering as quiet as she could: "But seriously, what happened? Do you like him?"
You haven't even really thought about it yourself. But now that you were thinking about it, it was pretty obvious. You wanted to spend as much time as possible with him, feeling hurt when he's ignoring you, and everything that happened in that dressing room? You've actually thought about what could've happened behind that curtain if you had a little less self control. The way his darkened eyes were watching you was...something different to say the least.

"I...I guess I do?" You whispered, and you actually had to stop her from squealing. "I love that for you! He's a cutie! Do you think he likes you as well?"
"I actually don't know." You sighed. "Sometimes I think yes, sometimes it seems like he can't even stand looking at me."

"You know, it's really mean to talk about a topic *I* started, and then excluding me from your conversation." Aoi grumbled. "It's simply none of your business." With that you stood up, taking Kasumis hand. "We're leaving, thank you." As you started walking away, Kasumi quickly grabbed her juice pack before getting pulled after you.

Since it was raining pretty much the whole day, you and Kasumi spend hours talking about you and Inumaki, trying to figure out if your feelings were mutual.
"I mean, from what you've told me about that dressing room, he definitely likes you." Kasumi analyzed, plopping a chip in her mouth. "See, I thought that as well. But ever since then he's been acting strange, not like he usually was." - "Maybe he's just nervous because of how much he likes you?" You blew raspberries. "Yeah, of course, a guy is so over-the-top in love with me that he gets all nervous. This isn't some Low Cost Netflix Rom-Com, Kasumi."

Just as Kasumi was about to answer, a knock on your door startled the two of you. "Yes?" You called and the door opened, Makis head popping inside. "There you guys are. A couple of us want to hang out in Itadoris room, you want to join?"
"Who's coming?" Kasumi asked. You already knew she was planning something.
"Uhm...Me, Itadori, Hinatsuru, Inumaki, Todo and you, if you want to. We want to order Sushi for everyone as well." Before you could say anything, Kasumi already agreed. "Great! Itadoris room is 3 hallways down, the last door. Starts in an hour!"

When Maki left again, you squinted your eyes at Kasumi. She was grinning proudly. "I'll make you two get the seven minutes in heaven you didn't get in that dressing room." You threw a pillow at her, laughing. "Aoi has a very bad influence on you, my friend."

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