Ch. 10 - The most twisted curse

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The next day, all students went out on missions in and near Tokyo. Since you were still injured you obviously couldn't join them, so you were left at school.
Ieri strictly prohibited you from training, she just gave you a cloth to tie around your neck to stabilize the arm so you could walk around. But you were slowly going insane. You couldn't just sit around and do nothing.
So you checked around school, seeing who was there. Yaga was in his office and Ieri in her lab, outside was free, so you went to the training field with a wooden dagger. You only had one broken arm, why not train the other one?

There was a dummy hanging from a branch of a big tree. You ran up to it while dodging around, as if this was a real fight, before attacking it with your fake weapon. But even before you could land your first hit, a sharp sting of pain in your arm made you hiss and stop your movements.

Mai was right, you were pathetic. You knew other people fighting while bleeding to death, and you couldn't even land a single hit because of a broken arm? How would you be helpful in battles when one hit could take you out already?

Tears formed in your eyes as you clenched your jaw. You didn't want to be pathetic or weak. You wanted to actually help the people around you.
Looking at the dummy in front of you, you were groaning in rage as you took a swing, ignoring the pain in your arm, when your hand was suddenly stopped by something.
Looking up, Gojo held your fake dagger in his hand, looking at you through his blindfold. "I thought you weren't allowed to train?"

Sighing, you let go of your weapon. "I can't just do nothing. The others are out there, risking their lifes while I can't because of stupid broken bones." - "You have to recover from an injury, it's normal." - "Oh yeah? Tell me one time you got seriously injured and stopped fighting to heal first." Gojo lifted his finger, opening his mouth to say something, then closing it again. "Okay, you've got me there."

Gojo sat down on a bench next to the tree, patting the spot beside him, silently inviting you to sit down. You sighed, not knowing if having a conversation with him would benefit you in any way right now. On the other hand, you didn't have anything else to do. So you sat down next to him with another sigh.

"How did you even manage to beat Mai, by the way? Utahime told me the two of you never really got along, and that she would always win during fights. Do you know why it was different this time?" Gojos face was turned to you while your eyes were focused on the grass in front of you.
A breathy chuckle left your throat as you thought about it. You weren't sure if you could talk to Gojo about this, you didn't know a lot about him. But he was a teacher, and really kind to you with your injury.

"Mai has been bugging me since our first year at Jujutsu High. I never knew what her problem was with me and I didn't care. I had Kasumi and Mechamaru, they're good friends, so I just tried to stay out of Mai's way. She insulted me multiple times, beat me up during training, I still didn't care. I just didn't let it get too close to me. But yesterday..."
You took a deep breath, furrowing your brows.
"What she said about Toge and me wasn't completely false. I mean - we're not - ugh, you know." Maybe you should've thought about your sentence before saying it out loud.
"It's just...She said we'd be a good fit cause we're both pathetic and weak. She's told me a hundred times that I'm weak, I've never cared. But when she insulted Toge, I just snapped." You explained, Gojo nodding.

"Well that explains it." He shrugged and you finally looked up at him. "What explains it?"
"Have you heard of Yuta Okkotsu?" You shook your head no. "Well, that boy accidentally turned his first Love into a curse when he had to watch her die after getting hit by a car. He didn't want to let her go. Only years later he realised that he wasn't the one who got cursed, but that he actually summoned the curse."
You looked at him with wide eyes. You didn't even know something like that was possible.
"I'll tell you the same thing I've told him. Love is the most twisted curse of all." He sighed, his smile suddenly dropping, as if he'd remembered something.

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