Ch. 11 - Learning new Things 🍋

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We're back with some Smut so prepare yourselves lmao

Thanks for reading!

Inumaki and you were lying in his bed as he showed you some of his favorite videos on his phone, both of you giggling along while sharing kisses from time to time. Since you've promised Kasumi to tell her first as soon as you could about your secret, you were now waiting for her, Mai and Mechamaru to get back from their mission.

And you had to admit, Inumaki did have an interesting, but great sense of humor. And his laugh was probably the most intoxicating one you've ever heard. You couldn't not laugh along with him.

At some point he was just looking at you for a couple seconds, a smile on his face. You laughed at him, asking what was up, when he suddenly attacked your whole face with small kisses. Eyes, cheeks, nose, forehead, scattered in kisses. Giggling, you forgot about your broken arm for a second as you tried to lift it to hold him close, wincing at the pain it caused you.

Inumaki stopped immediately, thinking he did something wrong, but you quickly shook your head no. "I moved my arm, sorry. Can't wait for this to be healed. It's frustrating not being able to touch you." He tilted his head, as if he just had an idea. Then he leaned down to you, capturing your lips in a kiss. But it felt different this time, not all sweet and soft as he started gently nibbling on your bottom lip. A sigh escaped your lips as he moved his kisses to your jaw and neck.

Pressing himself against your side, you could feel something hardening between his legs. One of his hands slid under your shirt, his fingers leaving goosebumps where they danced across your skin. He stopped at your waist, giving it a gently squeeze as he breathed against your skin. Wetness started pooling between your legs, your body immediately reacting to his sinful touches.
You sighed again, but from other reasons this time. Using your uninjured hand, you tapped his shoulder, making him look up at you again.

The look in his eyes send shivers down your spine. The Lust they were showing was just such a big contrast to his usual soft gaze. It was almost addicting, and you nearly forgot what you wanted to say.
"My arm is still broken. I can't do much." His eyes left yours to roam your upper body. "Tuna." His hand moved from your waist to the waistband of your skirt, slightly tugging at it as he looked back up to you, silently asking for permission.
You had to admit, you were intrigued. So you nodded, lifting your hips so he could take off.

"Have you touched a girl before?" You knew if he didn't, he wouldn't ask for help. His cheeks flushed, gaze dropping in embarrassment as he shook his head no. You just smiled at him, he was so cute. You couldn't wait for your arm to be healed again.
"Do you want me to show you?" Looking back up to you, he nodded, a quiet "Please." leaving his lips. You bit your lip in excitement, a wave of heat rushing through your body. "Okay, give me your hand."

* Inumaki's POV *

He was so embarrassed, admitting to her how inexperienced he actually was. But when she offered to show him, excitement filled him. That way, he wouldn't have to worry about doing something wrong.

"Okay, give me your hand." He switched sides, now laying on the side with her injured arm. He was extra careful not to accidentally bump into it as he lifted his hand. She layed her hand on top of his, guiding it down her body. Spreading her legs, she gave them better access, letting his hand rest on top of her panties. Using three of his fingers, she gently pressed against the wetness that had seeped through. An involuntary groan left Inumaki's lips as Y/N sighed at the friction. She was already so wet, just from him kissing and touching her? That compliment made his dick jump.

~ Shivers ~ *Toge Inumaki x fem!reader*Where stories live. Discover now