Ch. 5 - Shopping trip

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Chapter includes suggestive themes, but no smut!

Thanks for reading ✨

As you concentrated your cursed energy, a swarm of bees formed around you buzzing aggressively. "Wow, how many of those can you summon?" Fushiguro asked, taking a step back. "I actually don't know, I haven't tested my limit yet." You shrugged. While you moved your hand, the swarm mirrored the movements, swinging from left to right.
"We should do that one day. I can summon a bunch of bunnies, and I also don't know how many." He gave you a small smile.
Fushiguro was a very reserved person, you've noticed that. So getting him to open up like this made you really happy.

"Good morning Y/N!" Kasumi yelled from behind you, making you turn around while your bees disappeared. "Oh hi Kasumi, you're finally awake!" Walking up to her, you gave her a small hug. "So, are you ready for the trip?" - "Yeah, that's why I was looking for you. I'll not be coming along, Mechamaru isn't feeling too well, I don't know why but I want to stay with him. I hope that's okay." She gave you a sad smile. "Yes, of course it's understandable." you assured her, smiling as well.

Turning back to Fushiguro, you thought for a second. "Maybe we could ask some other students to join us? Is that okay?" The dark haired boy shrugged. "I don't mind."
Heading inside, you saw Panda and Maki and the vending mashines. You asked them to join you on the trip, but they declined.
Looking around, you were confused as to where Inumaki was.
"He's in his room." Panda said, understanding who you were looking for. "He was kind of down earlier, I don't know why." - "Maybe a trip to the city will cheer him up!" You chuckled, saying goodbye and heading inside.
Making your way to Inumakis room, you also met Aoi and Momo, but they declined your offer as well.

Finally arriving, you gently knocked on Inumakis door.
"Salmon!" didn't know what that meant yet.

Hoping he would just open the door himself, you knocked again. "SALMON!" Inumaki answered, now a little louder.
You sighed, pushing the handle down and slowly opening the door.

Peeking inside, you found Inumaki sitting on his bed, his phone in his hand. His eyes widened a little as he saw you, clearly not expecting you. "Hi, I'm sorry for barging in but I don't know what Salmon means yet." You chuckled, lightly embarrassed. "Can I come in?"
The head of silver hair nodded, so you entered the room before closing the door behind you. Looking around his room, you were actually surprised how neat it looked. It was very homely, he even had a couple houseplant and fairy lights. 'Boy's got taste.' you thought to yourself, running your fingers along a Begonia leaf.

* Inumaki's POV *

He watched her walk around her room, focusing on the way her body moved with every step. So simple, yet so intoxicating. Why was she even here?

"The first graders and I wanted to go to the city, do some shopping. Kasumi ditched me, so I wanted to ask you if you want to come along?" She stood in the middle of his room, hands behind her back and hips swinging from side to side. Like a pendulum, as if she was trying to hypnotize him.

Inumaki sighed, rolling his head back as he closed his eyes. He didn't want to, at the same time he wanted. Spending more time with her sounded heavenly, but with Fushiguro as well?
He didn't have nothing against the first years, they were nice people. Yet this Jealousy feeling was still very prominent in his stomach.

As he propped his legs up, she took it as an invitation to sit down on his bed. "Come on, pleeeaaase?" A hand on his knee made him open his eyes again in shock. Looking straight ahead again, his eyes caught her puppy ones, silently pleading him.
Her other hand lifted to his other knee as she used both hands to make a bridge, resting her chin on it while she pouted at him. "Please, for me?"

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