Ch. 4 - Jealousy

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When you woke up the next day, Kasumi was still fast asleep, snoring lightly. For a while you tried to fall back asleep, but your stomach grumbling from hunger made you finally get up. Trying to be as quiet as possible, you slipped into your uniform and tied your hair up before leaving the room to go get breakfast.
As you walked past Inumaki's door, you were tempted to knock and invite him to join you. But you felt it might be a little too invasive, so you continued your way to the cafeteria.

Much to your surprise, you spotted Inumaki and Panda, having breakfast together as you walked into the brightly-lit room. Inumaki's back was turned towards you.
You then noticed Momo, Aoi and Mai also eating together. Feeling a little bad that you didn't spend time with your schoolmates, that thought immediately got eliminated as you would rather sit anywhere alone than next to Mai right now.

Taking a tray, you treated yourself to a fried egg sandwich and a granola bar from the buffet before walking up to Inumaki and Panda. "Good morning, mind if I sit with you guys?"
Both boys shook their head, so you sat down next to Inumaki, your back turned to Mai. You really didn't want to look at her, you just wanted to enjoy your breakfast in peace.

"What were you guys talking about?" You asked into the round, biting into your sandwich. "Toge just told me about a video he saw yesterday." Panda explained, which made you look at the boy next to you.
He was typing away in the notes-app on his phone, before pointing the screen towards you.

"It was a compilation of videos with stupid people and fireworks gone wrong. Hilarious."

As you finished reading, you looked back at him with a confused smile. "Did they got hurt?"
Inumaki shrugged, typing again before showing you.

"Their own fault if they stick firecrackers up their asses and light them."

Really not expecting this kind of message from him, you laughed in surprise. "Good to know that I don't need to watch that." you noted, still chuckling to yourself. A cute face and a sense of humor?

A hand on your shoulder forced you to stop laughing. Looking up, you saw Mai, fake smiling down at you. "See who we have here. Have you completely forgotten about your actual classmates? You'd rather sit with a living puppet and a guy who can't even speak than with us."
Shoving her hand off your shoulder, you stood up and gave her a daring look. "Shut the fuck up."
Mai laughed sarcastically. "Our little bird found her voice again, how delightful." - "Trust me, if it was only Aoi and Momo, I would've sat with them instead or asked them to come over so we can all sit together. I just don't have the patience to put up with your bullshit right now."
Your sudden confidence scared you a little. Mai has been bugging you since first grade, yet this was the first time you actually stood yourself up against her. The new found power made you feel actually proud of yourself.
"Will you please excuse us now? My friends and I are trying to enjoy our food in peace." With that you sat back down, biting into your sandwich.

Mai bowed down to you, close to your ear so only you could her her words. "You better try growing eyes in the back of your head. You'll be paying for this." Then she left.

Taking a big gulp from your orange juice you tried to calm your nerves. That was a threat, but what would she do? Kill you? No way.
Inumaki tugging at your sleeve made you focus your attention back on him. His deep purple eyes were filled with worry again.
"Mustard leaf?"
Smiling softly, you nodded at him. "Yeah, I'm okay. Mai is always big talk no action."

A couple of other voices filled the room as the first year's of the Tokyo school entered the cafeteria. "Good morning guys!" Itadori smiled brightly at the three of you, him and his classmates waving. They got their foods before walking over to your table. "Mind if we sit?" Fushiguro asked, even though Itadori already took his seat on the other side of you.
"No it's fine, the more the better." You smiled at the dark haired boy and he nodded, sitting down in front of you and next to Panda. Hinatsuru sat down next to him, facing Itadori.
"So, when do you want to leave for the city?" Itadori asked you, stuffing his face with pancakes. You shrugged. "I don't know, Kasumi is still fast asleep. So maybe when she's woken up?"

"You said you're also a Shikigami user, right?" Fushiguro suddenly changed topics, pointing his chopstick at you. "Oh, yeah I am. But I've concentrated on one type, I've heard you can summon a bunch of different ones. How many exactly?" You asked him, interested in his use of techniques. He tilted his head, seemingly counting in his mind. "Like...Six, or more, I guess?"
Your eyes widened in surprise. "Six?! That's amazing, holy shit. Now I feel kind of lame with my swarm of bees." You let out an embarrassed laugh while scratching the back of your head. "No, I actually think that's pretty neat. I've been wanting to ask you, do you mind showing me your Technique? Maybe we can learn from each other." Fushiguro suggested, making you smile brightly. "Yes, of course! I'd love to! How about right now? Since Kasumi is still asleep, we can use that time!" - "Fine by me, let's get outside." With that, you and Fushiguro stood up and walked outside.

All this time, you didn't notice the way a set of purple eyes was watching you, a hint of sadness hiding deep inside them.

* Inumaki's POV *

It was stupid. Stupid he felt like this. Y/N didn't belong to him. Hell, they barely knew each other. Yet he couldn't fight the stinging feeling in his stomach because of the way she talked to Fushiguro.
They used the same Technique, of course they had a lot to talk about. But the way her eyes lit up when he proposed the idea of showing him her Shikigami?

Inumaki's whole stomach twisted. He wanted to be the one she was looking at with that twinkle in her eyes. Cursing himself, he wished he would've sat in front of her. Why didn't he think about asking her about her techniques? Why didn't he gave her the same interest she showed with his cursed speech?

'So fucking stupid.' he thought to himself, still chewing on the now very moist piece of bread that he had in his mouth for a couple minutes now.
He couldn't swallow it. It felt like if he did, he would immediately vomit. That's how bad his stomach felt.
Maybe Mai was right. Maybe Y/N needed people around her she could have actual conversations with.

"You okay buddy? You look a little pale all of the sudden." Panda noted, concerned for his friend. Inumaki shook his head. "Bonito flakes."
He stood up, taking his tray back and spitting the soggy piece of bread into a trash can. He just wanted to be alone right now.

Walking to his room, he came past the open doors that led to the training grounds. He didn't want to look. He knew it would hurt him. Still, he had to.

Peeking outside, he watched as Y/N jumped around in the grass, Fushiguros demon dog chasing her in a playful manner. The smile on her face was big and real...and absolutely beautiful. For a second, her smile infected him, the corners of his lips lightly curling upwards. But it didn't last long, as a devastating thought made it's way into Inumaki's mind.

'I'll never be able to make her smile like that.'


A/N: This wouldn't be my story if it didn't have at least a little Angst in it. I love breaking my own heart while writing 🥲

If you have any kind of constructive criticism, let me know! I'm still learning!

Thanks for reading!

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