Ch. 8 - "What now?"

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Chapter includes some suggestive themes thanks to the last chapter!

Thanks for reading!

* Inumaki's POV *

The water came down on his shoulders, the warmth helping him relax a bit. Adjusting his back, he let the water run down his neck, torso and legs, washing off the leftovers of drying cum sticking to his skin. He sighed, closing his eyes.

The imagines of her, rubbing against him came back to mind, and he couldn't help but grin. He couldn't believe that just happened, even though he felt embarrassed at how sensitive he was and how quickly he came just from her humping him. But the way she was looking down at him, telling him what to do - she surely enjoyed it. And he did too.

He felt like a child who ate chocolate for the first time. He wanted more, he wanted her. Everyday, every second.
Just him and her.
Nothing else would matter.

Drying himself off, he put on some fresh clothes and brought his other uniform to the laundry room, throwing it into one of the mashines and turning it on. He really didn't need anyone to see the mess he'd made.

Walking back to his room, he suddenly met with Aoi who probably just came from Itadori's room. "Hey, I thought you were tired! Why are you still walking around?" The taller boy asked, a smile on his face. Inumaki shrugged. "Tuna Mayo."
"Oh yeah, Tuna Mayo. I get you, my friend." Aoi laughed, patting his shoulder while walking past him. Inumaki stood still for a couple seconds, brows furrowing in confusion about that interaction, until he remembered where he wanted to go.

Arriving back at his room, he was relieved to see she was still there, lying on his bed with her phone in her hand. He closed the door behind him before plopping down next her, cuddling up to her while nuzzling his face into the shape of her neck. Pulling down his scarf, he took a deep breath, taking in her scent. She smelled flowery and sweet, her hair like green apples and it took everything in him not to bite down onto her skin.

Instead he pulled his scarf down to his neck, freeing his mouth so he could leave soft butterfly kisses all over her neck and jaw. She hummed in appreciation before suddenly giggling. "You're tickling me." He didn't stop, now purposely nuzzling his nose against her skin to tickle her, smiling as she squirmed under him while laughing.

To end this, she gently took his jaw into her hands to lift his face up to hers, pulling him into a soft kiss. This was heaven, Inumaki was sure of it. It couldn't get better than this.

Breaking the kiss, he layed his head on her chest, listening to the sound of her beating heart. She ran her fingers through his soft hair, both of them enjoying the silence and just being with each other. Until she decided to break the silence.
"So, what does this mean?"

* Y/N's POV *

"So, what does this mean?"
You immediately regretted your choice of words as Inumaki's head shot upwards, worry and panic in his eyes. "Bonito Flakes?" - "No, no I didn't mean it like that. I want this, I want you."
Relieved, his features softened again. "I just mean...Are we together now? In a relationship? Do we want to tell others, do we keep it private?"
Inumaki just looked at you. How was he supposed to answer all those questions with Rice ball ingredients?

Taking your hand in his, his eyes found yours. "Salmon." You smiled at him. It actually surprised you how well you understood him by now.
"I don't know if a relationship is going to work out, but I really want to try too." His eyes almost sparkled at your words. Leaning down, he captured your lips into another kiss. It was so loving and sweet, leaving goosebumps on your arms.

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