7. Nervous

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The next morning she woke up, feeling much better. She was calmer and her stupid brain didn't lie to her about a danger that didn't even exist. As she got ready for work, she hummed a song she had heard at the bonfire party. Then she giggled as she thought about the killer hangover Eric would be facing that day.  For some reason, Evelyn wasn't mad at him for getting wasted and ruining their date. But what she was still upset about, was what Dex had done. She could still feel his freakishly strong grip on her wrist.

"Jerk," she mumbled and brushed her hair. 

She made a decision to stay the hell away from that psycho. Luckily she had never seen him in town. He probably worked at the sawmill like almost every young man in Northfalls did. She hoped he would never come to the diner, but if he did, she would spit in his food. Oh yeah!

As she stepped out of her room, she glanced around.

"See brain, nobody's here. No danger at all," Evelyn chuckled. 

The morning was beautiful so the walk to the diner was very pleasant. Even a thought of spending hours serving food and smelling the grease didn't bother her. When she opened the diner door, she was greeted by two older ladies, who had been waitressing at Billy's over 20 years. 

"How was your date?" they asked with huge grins on their faces.

"Good morning to you too," Evelyn laughed. "It was fine, except he got so drunk that he passed out." 

"Oh no! I'm going to have to talk to that boy. I've known him since he was in diapers, and this is not a way to treat a lady," the other woman said. 

Evelyn just laughed and shook her head. She started to wipe the tables and making sure there were enough napkins on every table. The first round of customers had already eaten their breakfast and it was a quiet moment in the diner as it was still a bit too early for lunch. Evelyn liked these quiet moments because she was able to chat with the other employees. She had never before felt so connected to other people. Maybe it was because people in Northfalls, excluding Dex, were extremely nice. They didn't pry, but they were very caring and welcoming. Just as Evelyn was wiping the last table, she heard the bell above the door rang. Someone stepped in and she turned to greet the new customer. 

"Good morning, welc..." She couldn't finish the sentence. The customer was a man in a black leather jacket. He had a perfect 5 o'clock shadow and dirty blonde curly hair. There was something about this man that made Evelyn feel like she knew him, though she had never even met him. He was also eyeing her in a way that made Evelyn feel he knew her. She would never in a million years admit, that the man was probably the most handsome man she had ever seen. His striking good looks and the way he looked at her, made Evelyn blush. He seemed to notice, or at least there was an amused smile on his face. In a moment like this, Evelyn cursed the fact that she didn't have much experience in interacting with men - especially good looking men. They, or at least this one, made her feel like an idiot. And she probably looked like one she stood there unable to speak and her cheeks red as a fire truck. 

"Good morning," he said. Damn! Even his voice was attractive: soft but low. Very masculine. 

"Um.. you can choose table," Evelyn was finally able to utter. The man nodded and walked to a table by the window. Evelyn followed him to take his beverage order. She mentally prepared herself to sound like a normal person but failed miserably.

"Can I get you something to drink?" she heard herself saying. Nothing weird about that, but her voice was shaking. 

"Black coffee, please." 

To avoid looking more idiotic, Evelyn just quickly nodded and walked away to get the coffee. As she was pouring the coffee, she could feel his eyes on her back and just like that her hands started to shake. 

"Get a grip, idiot!" she hissed in her mind. 

Horrified, she noticed that her shaking hand couldn't hold the coffee pot and before she could do anything it hit the floor. The hot black liquid quickly flew all over the floor.

"Sweetie, are you alright?" her colleague, the older lady who planned scolding Eric, asked. She took a broom to sweep the pieces of the broken glass pot. 


He made Evelyn nervous. That was clear, as he watched her react to his presence. She blushed, her hands were shaking and she seemed to have difficulty to speak to him.  Shawn wondered if she know he wasn't just a regular guy. He couldn't be sure. She didn't have a werewolf scent, but now that he had been close to her, he could smell something else. Something quite unnatural. Like she was trying to cover her scent with something acidic. He came to the conclusion that this unpleasant smell was her medication. Of course, normal human beings couldn't smell anything weird about her, but a werewolf could. But he needed to be sure this cute-as-a-button girl really was who he was looking for. He needed a find out was there something behind the smell. He wanted to do that soon because there was something interesting about this nervous brunette. 

"Can I get you something to drink?" she asked with a shaky voice.

Shawn hid his amusement. She sure was nervous and couldn't hide it at all. 

"Black coffee, please," he said and hushed a voice in his mind, that told him to tease her. 

She nodded and quickly escaped behind the counter turning her back on him. Then he heard as a glass coffee pot fell down and she stiffened. An older lady, a waitress too, went to her and started to help her clean the broken glass. It took several minutes before she came back with his coffee. This time her face looked calm. Shawn noticed that her hands weren't shaking anymore. She started to place the coffee on the table in front of him.

"I'm sorry it took so long," she said with a perfect poker face. 

Before she could let go of the cup, he took the cup, so his fingers gently brushed hers. And back came the nervousness. This time he couldn't help but chuckle. She tried to look anywhere else but to him. She didn't walk away, though, so that gave him a chance to tease her a bit more. He couldn't help himself, though, a voice inside his mind was scolding him. 

"Thank you..." He read her name tag. "Evelyn." He looked at her with a crooked smile. 

She couldn't take it anymore. Mumbling something she walked away. This time she walked out to a back room and he didn't see her again until almost 15 minutes has passed. 

"Evelyn Magdalena Hales," he said in his mind. He liked that name. And he liked making Evelyn Magdalena Hales nervous.  

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