13. Disrespect

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First of all, I accidentally used wrong names in chapter 12. My stupid brain (or as my friend would say:brain farts)!! But the names are Evelyn Magdalena not Evelyn Margaret. And Shawn NOT Sean.

Everything in bold, is Shawn talking into Evelyn's mind. Or vice versa.

And now, The real her, voila!

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Evelyn stared at him with wide eyes. It was ridiculous, but she still believed him. What choice did she have after experiencing his ridiculous speed and strength and that mind-speaking-whatever-thing. He was telling the truth. But it was so ridiculous!

"A Werewolf," she repeated. Saying it aloud didn't make it any less ridiculous.

"Yeah. Are you alright?"

"What me? Oh, I'm great! I'm really... I mean awesome!" Evelyn spoke quickly with a high pitch. She never talked with hands, but now her hands were moving like crazy. Shawn walked to her and put his hands on her shoulders and gently squeezed them.

"I guess there're million questions you want to ask me," he said. He was so damn gentle and calm, that it made Evelyn even more nervous. And what his touch did to her didn't help either.

"Yeah...I don't know what to ask. This is so... ridiculous."

Shawn moved his other hand to Evelyn's cheek.

"Your touch..." she sighed. Shawn chuckled.

"I feel it too," he whispered.

"Why? What is this?"

"It's the mate bond."

"What does that mean?"

"You're my mate and that's why we have this special bond between us."

"You keep talking about this mate thing. I don't understand what it means."

"Well, every werewolf has a mate. Some believe it's a spiritual thing... like destiny. And others believe it's a biological thing. The wolf side of us knows the best possible person for us to live with and continue our blood line. Just like wolves, a werewolf spend his life with his mate."

"But... I'm a human. How could I be a mate. " This is so ridiculous, Evelyn thought as she heard her own words. Mate? A human? WTF!

"Well, about that..." Shawn run his hand through his hair. For the first time he didn't look so sure of himself. "As I told you, your grandfather hired me to find you... Evelyn, I don't know how I should tell you this. Well, your grandfather is a werewolf."

Time stood still as Evelyn tried to comprehend what Shawn was telling her.

"So you're saying... No! That's impossible! I would know if... if I... No! You're lying. This is a prank, isn't it!"

Evelyn didn't notice it then, but when she felt nervous and confused, Shawn was back to being calm and assertive. And when he had his short moment of nervousness, she felt calm. Later when she would think about the conversation, she would remember this. And that's how it would be from that moment on. Like two magnets or puzzle pieces they complemented each other.

"It's not a prank. Your grandfather is a werewolf. Your father was a half werewolf. And you...You have wolf blood in your veins."

"Don't you think I would've noticed it?"

"Not because of your medication."

For some reason it embarrassed her that Shawn knew about her medication. Because he knew about the medication, he knew that she was a crazy and violent person. Who would want a crazy and violent mate? Why am I even thinking whether he want me or not, Evelyn thought.

"You know about my medication?" she more stated than asked. Shawn didn't react to her words.

Instead he continued: "Your meds affected your wolf side. And before the meds, you were just a child. How could've you known that your tantrums and aggressive behaviour was your wolf side. Let's just say that without proper parenting, werewolf pups are wild things. And because you didn't have someone to guide you, you started to act the way you did."

"So my meds kept this wolf thing hidden... But... I didn't feel this way earlier when I met you in the diner. And I guess you didn't either. And besides, I still take my meds. Why can you now know that I'm your mate?"

Without a hint of guilt, Shawn grinned.

"I changed them into vitamins."

"You what!?"

"I had to be sure you were the one I was looking for."

"Do you have any idea what I went through because of that!" Evelyn shouted. She wasn't nervous anymore. She was getting angry. "Do you understand the pain I felt!? I thought I was loosing it completely!" She took a deep breath and started to walk away from Shawn.

"I thought I already told you, don't walk away from me," Shawn's voice was low and even her back to him, Evelyn knew he had a severe look on his face.

"And I told you not to tell me what to do, you sick son of a bitch," she murmured without stopping.

"I dare you to keep walking," Shawn challenged her. His warning tone made Evelyn bit her lip. But she refused to even slow down. She decided to keep walking even if it was the last thing she would do. That sick bastard had made her go through all that physical and emotional pain. No amount of physical chemistry could change that and make it better.

"And I dare you to keep telling me what to do!" Just as she had finished her sentence, Evelyn felt how her feet weren't touching the ground anymore. The next thing she noticed was Shawn's arms throwing her on the ground. She prepared to feel the hit on her back and closed her eyes, but there was no pain. In fact, she didn't even feel the ground. Evelyn opened her eyes and blinked to shake off the disoriented feeling. She didn't feel the ground under her back because she was lying on top of Shawn. She tried to get off, but Shawn quickly rolled over her. Now she was under him and though she used all her strength, she couldn't push him away. But that didn't stop Evelyn to keep on trying. She put her hands against his chest and pushed. He didn't even budge. She started to hit him, but Shawn quickly locked her arms above her head.

"Wanna keep wrestling?" Shawn chuckled.

"Let go of my, you... you... you butt head!"

"Butt head?"

"Oh! Asshole, then! LET. GO. ASSHOLE!!!"

"There's something you don't know about male werewolves. We don't take it well if we are called assholes. We don't take it well if we're disrespected. Especially if there's alpha blood in our veins. And let me tell you, honey, I'm not going to take any of this disrespectful bullshit. Not even from you. Stop wriggling, Evelyn. Listen to me-"

"Hah! There's no way I'm going to respect you, you arrogant douche bag," Evelyn spat out.

Shawn's eyes turned pitch black. Evelyn did her best not to show him how that shocked her. But Shawn did see her reaction.

"I'll show you more of my wolf, if you keep disrespecting me," he growled.

"Are you threatening me? Is that a mate thing, too?" Evelyn mocked. She knew she was being stupid, but her pride didn't let her yield.

"Oh honey, if you weren't my mate, I would've broken your legs already."

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