9. Shaking

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What a strange night. Evelyn hadn't woken up even once though she was a restless sleeper. She felt really relaxed. Maybe the idea of roaming in the woods calmed her mind and body so she was able to sleep better than normally. She took a pill from her prescription bottle and swallowed it without water. 

The next day. Another pill.

And another.

And then things started to happen.


"Honey, are you ok? You look really pale." 

Evelyn touched her forehead with the back of her hand and sighed. She had been feeling weird all day. Maybe she was catching the flu or something. 

"I'll be fine. I just need to drink something," Evelyn said. 

She was getting annoyed. She couldn't get sick now. She wanted... No. She needed to get out of this town next weekend and to roam the first. She needed to feel the nature around her. With a deep frustrated sigh, she took her tray and went to clear a table. But before she could do that, her hands started to shake and it took all her strength to hold the tray. The room started to spin and she had to lean against the wall not to fall down.

"What is wrong with me?" she whispered. Unable to take another step she just remained by the wall. She could feel her heart raising and her breathing was rapid. 

This time it was Luca who came to her and looked worried. "Evie, you need to go ho-"

He wasn't able to finish, because out of nowhere, Evelyn threw the tray to the floor. She glared at Luca her eyes filled with pure rage. She took a step towards him ready to attack him. But before she did it, Luca left his hands up in surrender.

"I-I'm sorry, Evelyn," he said. He was too surprised to do anything else but stand there shocked and hands still up. 

Evelyn's rage was quickly replaced by panic.

"What is happening to me?" she cried out. "I need to get out of here."

She had no idea how she got out of the diner. Everything was so hazy. But she found herself half-crawling to her motel room. She barely got into her room and she had to close the door with her leg because she was no longer able to stand. She laid on the floor sobbing because she realized something terrible. The thing she had fought almost all her life, had won. The monster within her had woken again. She nearly attacked Luca, for crying out loud! She crawled to her bed because her pills were still on it. Slowly she pulled herself to her knees and grabbed the bottle. With shaking hands, she opened it. Then she placed at least 10 pills on her palm and swallowed them. 

"Please, go away," she sobbed over and over again before falling asleep on the floor. 


Shawn made sure he knew Evelyn's every step. Now it was especially important since he had changed her meds. It had taken a few days before he noticed anything different in her. But this morning she had started to show some withdrawal symptoms. He witnessed the episode in the diner; she nearly attacked a guy. He followed her back to the motel. She hadn't been able to register what was happening around her and it was a miracle she had made it back to her room. Shawn stood outside her room, and because of his enhanced hearing, he could hear everything that was going on in that room. She was sobbing and crawling. Then he heard her taking her meds. Well, not the real ones, but the ones he had placed in her prescription bottle. He felt a quick wave of guilt, as he heard her sobbing "Please, go away," over and over again. But he pushed the feeling away. He was just doing his job. Evelyn seemed to have fallen asleep because he could only hear her deep breaths. Shawn took his phone and dialed a number.

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