20. Nothing more dangerous

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Since his mate had jumped into that car and driven off with that motherf*cker, Shawn had been going out of his mind. He knew she was with those arrogant wolves he had encountered earlier. He had never ad believed in the mate bond crap, but after experiencing its consuming power, he knew deep down that his life would never again be the same. Now that she was not with him, he felt his body was on fire. And that fire quickly spread into his mind too. 

"There is nothing more dangerous than a male wolf without his mate," Shawn remembered his mother's words. 

Now he understood what it meant. He was dangerous. He had killed one of those arrogant guard dogs and had nearly ripped the alpha's mate's head off. Had the alpha not arrived at that exact moment, she would be in two parts. 

"Bitch," Shawn growled as he remembered his mate's scent on that woman. She had been keeping him away from Evelyn. His Evelyn.

Now Shawn stood by his motel room window with an ice bag on his knuckles. Though, werewolves recover unnaturally fast, his body was still sore from fighting with the guard dogs and that alpha mutt. Needless to say, he hadn't been pleased seeing Shawn throw his mate through a window and crabbing her neck to snap it. The alpha was a good fighter, Shawn had to admit that. It had been an even fight, because alpha blood run through Shawn's veins too. 

"There's nothing more dangerous than alphas fighting over their mates," his father had corrected his mother. 

He hated what he hdd to do next. But there was no choice, so he picked his phone and dialled his brother's number. He answered after two rings. Like he always did.


"I need your help." 

Shawn heard a small chuckle, but decided to ignore it. His brother irritated the shit out of him, but the trouble he was in wasn't the big brother's fault.

"What happened?"

"I found my mate."

His brother was quiet. Shawn imagined him sitting in his office so surprised by this jaw-dropping news. 

It took a long time before he said: "Alright. Why do you need help?"

"I lost her."

His brother started to cough like he had swallowed something the wrong way.

"And I'm in a town surrounded by a pack's territory that will kill me if I take a step on their land, because I killed one of their guards and nearly killed the alpha's mate."

His brother sighed. 

"What do you want me to do?" he asked.

Shawn was glad his brother hadn't said anything about the alpa's mate. He knew himself it had been and idiotic move from his part. Hearing it from your brother was not something he needed now.

"Happen to know anyone who owns a helicopter?"

"I'll see what I can do."

"Thanks, Seth."

"Don't worry about it. It really amazes me how you're still alive after all-."

And once again his brother gave him the prodigal brother speech. 

"-the stunts you're pulled. And now this. Shawn, there's nothing more dangerous than an alpha with a cocky opponent. "

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