24. Code red

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Qiana lifted her eyes from her paper work, because there was a silent nock on the door. 

"Dr Robinson, someone's asking for you," a nurse said.

Qiana frowned. She wasn't expecting anyone. Low was suppose to come tomorrow, not today. No one had texted her either. 

"She's waiting in room 18."

"Thank you, Ruth," Qiana said. She took her phone and dialled Fay's number, just in case. She didn't press the call button, though. With graceful and determined strides she walked out of her office. She made sure she was alert. At the door of room 18, she stopped. She caught a faint scent coming from behind the door. A raven. She opened the door and saw a woman dressed in black leather jacket and black pants. Even her hair was pitch black. 

"Doctor," the woman said and nodded. Her eyes were cold and emotionless. Qiana nodded too.

"What can I do for you?" she asked. Fay usually handled the ravens. It was like the woman had read her mind, because she said:

"We couldn't reach Fay alone, without her human clients, so I came here. We have urgent news."

The woman's voice was as cold as her eyes.

"An hour ago, a male wolf arrived. We are not able manipulate his wolf."

Qiana's eyes widened. 

"An alpha?"

The woman nodded. 

"Yes. We don't know why he's here. Do what ever you want with this information, but I would recommend making sure your pack wears the bracelets."

"We always do." Qiana lifted her hand and showed her bracelet.

"Good. I'll send Fay photos of the wolf. Just in case, he is a... mate," the woman let her voice express her disgust. 

"Thank you," Qiana said, "I have to get back to work. I have a patient coming in 5 minutes."

Qiana walked out of the room and when she was in her office again she called Fay.


Fay felt her phone vibrating in her bag. It had been doing so several times during the last 10 minutes, but she couldn't answer because she was with her human clients. As the couple walked through the apartment and marvelled the incredible view from the living room windows, she went through different possible scenarios in her mind. Was it Norah? Low? 

"Take all the time you need. I'll leave you to explore and discuss.  And when you're ready, I'll be in the kitchen," she finally said to the couple. 

When she was alone in the kitchen, she took her phone. Qiana had tried to call her 3 times and had left a message:

Call me. ASAP. 

Qiana answered immediately. 

"A raven came. A male has arrived to the city," she whispered before Fay could say a word.

"Ok. Do they know anything?"

"An alpha."

"Ok." Great, she though to herself. She pushed the uneasy feeling out of her head. There was no need to worry. They just had to be extra careful. 

"Q, thank you," she sighed.

"For what?" 

"For meeting the the raven. I know they can be intense."

"Don't worry about it. It wasn't that bad," she chuckled.

"Can you do me a one more favour? Can you make sure the girls get the red code?"

"Of course. I'll text them now. By the way, the raven said, she'll send you photos of the male. Just in case he's someone we know."

"Ok, good. I'll be home in 30 minutes."


The code red had reached the whole pack. And the human females, like Low, who were working for the pack. The pack sat around the kitchen table. They all looked really focused, like they were thinking really hard. And they were. They were making sure they remembered every single detail of the things they had rehearsed. They all had an important part in making sure the pack was safe. The code red was the second highest. Only code black was higher. The code red meant, there was an alpha in the city and ravens were unable to manipulate its wolf side. Code black, on the other hand meant, that the alpha was a mate, and was trying to break in to their building. Thank goodness it wasn't that bad now!

Fay opened her laptop. There was one unread email on her inbox. It was from the ravens. She opened it and the attachment files. When the first photo opened on her screen, she covered her mouth with her hand.

"What's wrong?" Fanny asked.

Before Fay was able to answer, she took deep breaths.

"I know who the male is," she said. She cleared her throat to compose herself. 

"Fay?" Qiana had walked behind her and put her hand on Fay's shoulder. Fay looked at her. Qiana was the only one she could show her fear, and Qiana knew her well enough to read it from her eyes. 

"I think my mate has send a tracker after me," she finally spoke. 

Everyone gasped. Fay turned her laptop so everyone could see. That's when Evelyn felt the world around her disappear. The only thing she could see was the man on the screen. 

"I don't think he's here because of you," she uttered.

"What do you mean?" Fay asked.

"He's my mate."

The room went quiet. The rest of the pack stared at Evelyn.

"Shawn Cage is your mate," Fay said. She shook slightly her head. 

Evelyn was staring at Shawn's picture. It looked like it had been taken at the airport. He was not looking at the camera, but Evelyn could still see his serious expression. He was always so severe.   Always two steps ahead. 

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