FAY: Seven - You give love a bad name

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I've never felt like this before. I know it's just a stupid game, but it feels bigger somehow. I'm running without one shoe, but I don't care. Not even when I have to cross a small stream and my other foot gets wet. I have a real chance to get to the cave first. I think the last player, who I bet is Seth, is still looking for those 4 other players, thinking the 3 are still in the game. I need to hurry, because when the girls are back at resting point, Linnie will yell there are only two left. Then he will start running to the cave. I need to be a lot closer, to be the first one there. I climb up the stream bank. I sniff the air making sure he's not anywhere near. Just as I do that, I can hear several girls shouting.

"Run Fay! He's coming!"

Oh crap! He must have seen them without their ribbons even before they reached the resting point. I make my legs move as fast as they can. My own heavy breathing rings in my ears. Running as fast as you can and trying to listen if the other player is getting near is hard. There's still a chance he steals my ribbon and wins the whole game. Out of instinct, I make sure the ribbon's tight around my arm. 

 From somewhere behind I can hear water splashing. He's already at the stream, I cry out in my mind. I've been running so hard there's a metallic taste in my mouth. As much as I hate admitting it, my stamina is running low. I can hear footsteps. I know the cave is only about 500 yards away, but doubt clouds my mind. Or maybe it's just realism. The footsteps get closer. I don't have a plan other than I won't go down without a fight. I let my wolf side take control but still stay in my human form. I'm not surprised when Seth's scent reaches me nor when his fingertips touch my shoulder. I duck down and avoid his grab. I realize I have access to his ribbon now that he is a step ahead of me. But as I stretch my hands towards it, Seth grabs it and pulls me to him. Now my back is against him. I try to struggle free but he keeps holding me. With my free hand, I aim high and elbow him. It hits his eye and makes him grunt. I turn my hips to get away from him, but his grip is tight. I use all the strength in my body to try again. It is a mistake. 

I can hear a popping sound which is followed by intense pain in my shoulder. I let out a whimper. Immediately Seth loosens his hold but still keeps his arms around my now shaking body. 

"Fay? Are you ok?" he asks. I can bearly hear him trough the pain. He lowers me down to the ground. Every time my arm moves, pain shoots through it like a burning arrow.

"Ow," I cry.

Seth leans back to get a better look at me. He notices my shoulder is visible out of place.

"Oh shit," he mumbles. He stands up and turns towards the resting point and cups his hands. "Linnie!" he shouts. The whole forest echoes. Then he kneels back down next to me. 

"Lay down, Fay. Try to relax your arm," he speaks and brushes my forehead with the back of his hand. Then he wipes the tears that are running down my face. I can feel them rolling on my ear too. It helps a bit to lie still. I take breaths trough my mouth and concentrate on his face. He has concern in his eyes. His eye! I notice it's red and watery. I think my elbow did that. 

Linnie runs to us with Nate following right behind her. 

"What happened?" she asks. She is calm and that makes me feel better. At least one of us knows what to do.

"Dislocated shoulder," Seth says. He gives Linnie space to take a closer look. She moves my hair to see my shoulder.

"Hurts like a bitch, right," she says. 

"Oh yeah," I wince as she moves my arm just a bit. She nods Seth to come closer.

"I'm going to pop it back, before her muscles start to spasm," Linnie says to Seth. I watch them hover over me. Linnie gives Seth instructions. He holds me still as Linnie pulls my arm and makes my shoulder pop back where it should be. 

We walk back in silence with the ribbons still on our arms. Linnie and Younge went ahead to tell others everything was okay. My shoulder is still sore and the skin around his eye is turning black. It's almost midnight. When we reach the resting point most of the young wolves have already left. Marjorie and Shelley are still there sitting next to their backpacks. When they see us, the girls wave their hands and greet us with smiles.

"I'm glad you're ok," Marjorie says. Her eyes fall down to my left forearm. Then she turns to Seth's arm.

"So it is a tie," she laughs. We join her laughter and I can't help myself; his melodic laughter is the best sound I've ever heard.

"There will definitely be a rematch, though," he smiles and gently nudges me with his shoulder.

"Challenge accepted," I declare. 

"Is Wilson still in the cave?" Marjorie asks. We look at each other.

"I guess," Seth says. Once again we burst into laughter. Poor guy has been there for hours.

"I'll go get him before he turns into a caveman."


There's a car waiting for us when we come out of the forest. Nate steps out and throws the keys to Seth.

"Thanks, dude," Seth says.

"Anytime, bro. Hey Fay, glad to see you're ok," Nate says before leaving us. 

Seth puts his arm on the small of my back and pushes me gently.

"Come on, I'll take you."

"My house is only like ten minutes away. I can walk," I protest. He gives me a stern eye. I don't feel like arguing with him so I sigh: "Fine. You can drive me."

He opens the passenger side door for me and waits for me to get in. I watch as he walks around gets in himself. He starts the engine and music starts playing from the car speakers. 

"You listen to Bon Jovi?" I more state than ask. 

"Yeah. And other 80's bands."

For some reason, I'm not surprised. That kind of music suits him. Seth turns the car and picks up the speed. I would've imagined him being a reckless driver, but he isn't. He follows all the rules and drives within the speed limit. 

"A rock fan who drives like a granny," I laugh. He laughs too.

"After what happened tonight, I'm not taking any chances." 

I look at him and his smile. 

"Oh shit," I groan. 

"What?" he askes and gives me a glance but quickly turns his eyes back to the road.

"Your mother is going to kill me for that black eye," I moan.

Seth frowns and shakes his head.

"I don't think you have anything to worry about. I have to face your father. If some guy gave my daughter a dislocated shoulder, I'd make sure he never walks again."

"A good thing you don't have a daughter then," I laugh.

"Maybe one day," he says and winks at me. 

"Poor girl. You're going to be the most overprotective father, I bet."

"Yes, I will. No boys before she's 40," he says with a chuckle.

We are at my home street and he pulls over to the side. We both sigh and look at the house. There's still a light on in the kitchen. Dad is probably up and waiting for me. Suddenly I feel nervous meeting him and him seeing my arm. And I have a strong feeling Seth would walk me to the door, and my dad would definitely ask about his black eye.

"You want to keep driving and wait for the body to heal a bit more?" Seth asks.

I bit my lower lip. Being with him has been surprisingly easy.  

"Ok. One more song."

He nods and presses play. Bon Jovi's You give love a bad name fills the car as we drive around the block one more time.

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