FAY: Nine - I know what he is to me

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I had big plans. After my 18th birthday, I'd get my own apartment in a city - like any city. Get a job and start my own life. And more importantly, start to figure out this... protector destiny thing. But over a year has passed, and I'm still in Blackwater Bay, living with my dad. Since I'm officially an adult now, dad doesn't have to worry about me staying home alone while he's on his business trips. And I don't have to worry about being under a watchful eye of the Alpha's mate. But I have to admit, she's not as bad as she was a couple of years ago. She is still icy and unbelievably old-fashioned, but she gives me space - and every now and then she brings me a book. Mostly about history, philosophy and psychology. I've never had the guts to ask why she does that, but since the Alpha's study is no longer available for me, I take the books gladly. After reading one, I return it to the Alpha's house. 

I'm standing at the Alpha's front door with Alfred Adler's What  Life Could Mean to You under my one arm. I have just rung the doorbell and I can hear footsteps. I recognize them.

"Hey Seth," I greet the 6.5 feet tall friendly giant. I wonder does he keep growing.

"Hey!" He gives me a warm smile and chuckles when he notices the book I'm holding. "So have you figured it out yet?"

"What?" I laugh confused.

He nods towards the book.

"Ah, well... not yet."

"Do you want to come in?" he asks. I bite my lip. I've just been marveling how Elise Cage has been giving me space and now I'm about to intrude hers. You see, it's part of our routine to just leave the book at the door. But it would be nice to spend some time with Seth. We've become friends. 

"Maybe for a little while," I say. I follow Seth in. The house is quiet. I notice two suitcases near the stairs. 

"A vacation?" I ask.

"I wish," he sighs. "Dad wants me to go with him. He thinks it's time for me to meet the neighboring packs."

"Poor you," I mock him. He shakes his head and then tilts it. That's his signature move. I bet he will have a great time meeting new people and seeing new places. Seth is a people guy. Besides...

"You could meet your mate," I suggest with a teasing smile.

"You could meet yours while I'm away and I would not be here to make sure he's not an 'asshowl'. Wouldn't that be a tragedy, Holloway?"

I blush. Damn. He still remembers that stupid night Max and I stole my dad's whiskey bottle. 

"I think your mate would get jealous for you taking an interest in my 'asshowl' mate." I fire back realizing that might have crossed a line. I wince in my head. He crosses his arms and keeps his damn head tilted. Somehow his scent seems stronger than usual.

"I think she'd understand. Alpha needs to take care of his pack members."

Oh, he's challenging me. 

"I need to protect my pack members," he continues. 

"You need to protect me?" I challenge back. 

"Maybe I was born to protect you," he suggests his eyes never leaving mine.

"You can leave protecting to me," I say and mimic his crossed arms and tilted head.


Why is he flirting with me?


And why am I flirting back? 


The last week I've had awful headaches. Aspirin hasn't helped. Only fresh air seems to bring a small relief. Seth's been on his trip, but I've received a couple of texts from him. Friendly texts. No flirting! And I've replied with similar ones. 

Elise Cage is having a dinner for the pack's elder women tonight, and I've promised to help her with some chores. She promised to "compensate my effort" and to be honest, I'm a little low on money right now.

I decide to walk and for my relief, my headache starts to fade away. When I reach the Alpha's house it's totally gone. I notice a strange feeling somewhere between my mind and body, but I don't understand what it is. I'm not even sure if its a good or bad feeling. Maybe I'm catching the flu or something. 

Elise Cage opens the door for me and my senses heighten. She looks at me with a questioning look as she hands me a list of chores. 

"Fay, are you alright?" she asks.

"Just a little headache, but it will pass," I lie.

She replies with a small nod. She leaves me alone and goes back to her cooking. I read the list through and decide to start with dusting. I know where all the cleaning supplies are, so I don't need any help from Elise Cage. After picking up a microfiber cloth my phone vibrates in the pocket. 

A message. 

From Seth.

Holloway, keep away from boys before I'm back. I'm serious ;)

I laugh. He can't be serious. I now know better than to reply with a flirty message. Instead, I send a "haha" and put the phone away. I start dusting the living room. When I'm about to wipe a big antique mirror, I notice my eyes. I take a sharp breath. There's a  dark golden ring around my blue irises. I know what it means, but I still can't stop staring at them. I put my hand on my chest to try to calm my heartbeat. 

"Fay, dear! Do you know the crystal vase upstairs in the hallway?" Elise's voice comes from the kitchen.

I snap out of my trance.

"Y-yes, Mrs. Cage."

"Could you please get it for me? I need to start with the flower arrangements."

"Yes, of course." I'm glad she stays in the kitchen because I don't want to share this moment with her. This is too personal to share with her. "I'll go get it right now."

"Thank you, dear."

As I start climbing the stairs, the unfamiliar feeling I've been experiencing grows with every step. When I get up, my body is not my own. 

"The vase," I remind myself. I can see it at the end of the hallway. 

"Just get the vase," I repeat again and again and force my legs to move. I pass the Alpha's study, then Serafina's room and the guest bedroom. When I'm standing in front of Shawn's door I need to lean against the wall for a while. My vision's getting blurry. I don't think it should feel this rough to experience your complete wolf side. I don't want to yell Elise Cage to come help me. I want my mom!  She would make me feel better. I know it. But she's not here. Best to get the vase quickly and then hope this thing goes away. 

"Just get the vase," I chant in my mind. 

Seth's door is on my right-hand side. Once again I lose control of my own body. My shaky hand touches the door and as for reaching for Seth's comfort, it pushes it open. It takes one breath and suddenly the anxiety is gone. But a different kind of anxiety fills me when subtle scent from his room fills my lungs.

 I know what he is to me. 

I need to get out of here.

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