27. Make a difference

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Lucy sighed. She was frustrated. No matter what she said, the male wolf saw her lie. She tried everything. Every single trick she knew, but in vain. The male wolf had taken her to a hotel room. She had to follow him there, because of his threats. If she would've screamed or acted strange, he would've killed every single person on sight. Lucy wasn't sure if he had really meant that, but she wasn't taking a chance. 

Now she sat on the edge of the bed and watched as the male wolf went through her phone. Of course there was nothing on it. She wasn't that stupid. 

"Do you always clean your phone?" the male wolf asked.

Lucy just lifted her shoulders. Fay's tech guy had installed a program that cleaned their phones every 3 minutes. 

"Lucy, what happens next is completely up to you," the male wolf said. He throw Lucy's phone onto the bed, next to her. 

Lucy still remained silent. Lies didn't work. Silence was her only weapon now. 

"I know, you're a brave little human. I think you're an idealist. You are willing to stand behind your believes. And I think you believe in helping people. You believe in that so much, that you are willing to do what ever it takes. You said earlier, that you're not afraid to die. Well I think you are afraid to die, but there's something you fear even more," the male wolf said. Lucy swallowed as he took slow step toward her. He was so calm. But there was something dangerous behind his words. 

"I think you're fear that you're life has been insignificant."

Lucy turned her eyes away from him. He was standing too close to her now. The male wolf lifted his hand slowly and put it on her cheek. He forced her head to turn back to him. His move was surprisingly gentle and it caught Lucy off guard. 

"You want to make a difference."

Now he kneeled before her. Lucy knew he wouldn't let her move from the bed. 

"There's a nice older couple in the next room. They are here to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. They have 3 children and 8 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren." The male wolf had a severe look in his eyes as he talked to her. 

"If you want to make difference in all their lives, and by that I mean if you want to save their precious parents, grandparents and great grandparents, you will answer my every single question truthfully. So... do you want to make a difference or not?"

Lucy stared into his eyes. She was loosing the battle. He had all the power and she had nothing. She knew it and he definitely knew it. 

"Ok," she said. Now it was up to Fay to keep him out of the apartment. Lucy couldn't hold him much longer.

The male wolf smiled. Even smiling he look severe. 

"The first question, then. Do you know where this woman is?" he asked and showed Lucy a picture of Evelyn.

Lucy nodded. 

"Is she alone?"

Lucy shook her heard.

"Is she with humans?"

Lucy shook her head again. 

"Is she with ravens?"


"With wolves?"


Lucy noticed, that her answer made the male wolf annoyed. He took deep breaths before he spoke again.

"Male wolves?"

"No." Lucy couldn't help a small smile escaping her lips. The male wolf was jealous. They always were. Poor little things, she laughed in her mind. She gained a pinch of courage out of her notion.

"Tell me about the wolves she's with."

"That's not a question," she said. 

"Tsk tsk. I doubt you want to go there."

"Fine. She's with 7 female wolves." 


"And what? I don't know what you want to know."

"Why is Evelyn with them? Why are they helping her? They're wolves. They ought to know."

Lucy bit her lower lip. She wished with every bone in her body, she didn't have to tell him what she was about to tell him. But she had to. She couldn't let innocent people suffer. 

"Evelyn is with them because that's what they- we do. We help female wolves who are running away from their mates," she said, "Their abusive mates."

Suddenly Lucy could feel the male wolves hands around her throat and she lifted her up from the bed with anger in his eyes. Lucy coughed as she was not getting any air. She grabbed his hands and tried to get her weigh off his hands around her neck. She tried to kick him, but her legs couldn't reach him. She started to panic as she felt her lungs burn and vision blur.

"You call me an abusive mate!" the male wolf growled.  He threw Lucy back on to the bed. Her body jumped up and down on the mattress couple times, because of the power he used. She gasped for air and held her throat. Tears were running down her cheeks. 

"I would NEVER do anything to hurt Evelyn!" he growled, "But I'm ready to kill you and every single human in this building to get to her."

Lucy was now sobbing. Though she had practised and learned everything there was to know about werewolves, facing a rage of a male wolf was terrifying. Her body started to shake as the male wolf took her wrist and yanked her back to a sitting position. 

"Give me the address."

"140 Nassau Street," Lucy sobbed.

She had failed them. She had failed Fay.


Hi you! Yes you!

I didn't find enough time during the weekend to write as much as I wanted. But I'm on fire. I know how this story is going to end. Everything is sooooo clear now.

AND I'm going to write at least Fay's and Lucy's stories too. But I'm going to finish this one first. 

As always, your votes and comments are heaven. They mean a lot! 



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