28. Black

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One ring. Two rings. Silence.


One ring. Two rings. Silence.


One ring. Two rings. Silence.

"Fuck," Fay said. Accidentally out loud. She tried to smile after noticing Evelyn's panicky eyes. But her smile never reached her lips. This was bad. Three times two was a warning. A code  black warning.

It came from Low's phone.

"Ok. Everyone, get down to the basement and make sure to lock the door," she said. Her voice was shaky. Everyone just nodded and quickly went to the empty elevator shaft. They made Evelyn go first. Fanny was last, but she stopped before taking more steps down on the ladder. 

"Fay? Wh- You're not coming with us?" she asked. She looked shocked. Fay understood why. This was not how it's suppose to go. But there was no other way, since they were two she wolves down. Q was at the hospital, and there was no way she could come inside now. Norah was still in  in a very bad state, she needed at least Fanny to take care of her. Fay didn't want to expose other girls to a possibility of Shawn making sure their mates knew where they were. So this was the only option.

"I can't. Make sure the door is locked, ok?" 

Fanny hesitated. 

"Fanny, go. Take care of Norah and Evelyn for me."

Fanny nodded and climbed down. Fay closed the door and listened for the other door downstairs to close. It made a loud clicking sound as Fanny locked it. No one could get in now, because the lock could only be opened from the inside.

Fay walked to her laptop and made sure the surveillance cameras were working. Then she sat down and and with a sigh started to go through different cameras and angels. She refused to think what Shawn would do, if... no, when he'd see her. She refused to think, that he just might call his brother.

Exactly 7 minutes later, Fay noticed him. He stood on the corner and leaned against the wall. He looked relaxed, but Fay knew better. He was on high alert. All his wolf senses scanning the area. She zoomed in to take a better look. 

"What are you going to do now, Shawn?" she said. And then, just then a thought came to her mind. She had the upper hand! With her new found confidence, Fay stood up and walked to the front door. She took her jacket and walked out.


A familiar scent hit Shawn before he even saw the person it belonged to. But when the door opened and the she wolf stepped out, he couldn't help but to chuckle. The she wolf looked straight into his eyes and walked across the street to him. She stopped 10 feet from him. 

"Fuck me," Shawn chuckled. She was the last person he ever expected to see here. 

"Shawn," she said matter-of-factly. 

"Fay. It's been what.. .10 years," Shawn said.

"What do you want?"

Shawn laughed. He looked all charming, but Fay knew him. She knew that behind the charming smile, was a male wolf, who disliked her. Probably hated her now that she had Evelyn.

Shawn slowly lifted his hand and scratched his  5 o'clock shadow. Then with the same hand he pointed at her building.

"You know what I want," he said. Fay hated his cockiness. The dislike had always been mutual.

"No," she said. 

"No?" Shawn remained relaxed, but a small flicker of annoyance appeared in his eyes. He took lazy steps towards her. Fay decided to stay put. She was not going to be intimidated by him. 

"You can't hurt me," Fay stated. Now it was her turn to be cocky. And she remained that way though he  now stood only one step away from her. His scent sent shivers down her spine. 

"I know, but he's only one call away."

Fay swallowed. Don't be weak, she commanded herself. 

"I don't care. You're not getting near her and he's not getting me." Fay begin to turn around but Shawn's tight grip on her forearm stopped her.

"I don't have to hurt you to get my Evelyn. But I will kill everyone else who stands in my way. I'll start with the cute human girl, Lucy. If Evelyn doesn't come to me tonight by 9PM, I'll torture the human. Then I'll move on to those two other humans you have guarding the area. If she still won't come, I'll send a message to every pack in the world, and let them now that you have runaways here. And trust me, babe, then your ravens can do shit to help you. Tell Evelyn this. I'll wait for her here. 9, SHARP."

So much for the upper hand.

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