The Inevitable - Part 2

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"Get out of the car," the man said. Evelyn obeyed. She was too scared not to.  The man had parked the car in front of a cabin in the middle of a forest. It looked old and abandoned. The man grabbed her arm and pulled her with him towards the cabin.

"Tell your mate, if he crosses the border, I'll personally rip your heart out."

Evelyn nodded. She whispered the man's warning to Shawn, who answered with an angry growl.  They stepped on the porch and Evelyn heard the small creaking sound, as if it was warning her. Whispering of a danger. 

"What are you going to do to me?" she asked. 

Before the man could answer, the cabin door opened. Evelyn was startled as she looked at a woman who stood in a doorway. Just like the man, this woman looked like an native American. Evelyn didn't know what to think of her. Was she dangerous? Would she "personally rip her heart out"?

"Another stray," the woman said and shook her head making her raven black braid swing from shoulder to shoulder. 

"Just shut up, let us in and tell Dex," the man said.  The woman looked amused.

"I'm not talking to that asshole." she said. 

"Silent treatment? Again. What did he do this time?" the man asked. He didn't look amused, but wasn't as tensed as he had been in the car. The woman snorted.

"My dear mate was being an chauvinist dog as always."

"Right. Are you going to let us in or not?"

The woman didn't move from the door. Instead she took a good look at Evelyn. It looked like she was sniffing the air.

"Poor thing. Just a half wolf, and that Cage is after her. Oh, I'm sorry! I'm talking like you're not even here." Before she continued, she walked to Evelyn and offered her hand for Evelyn to shake. Slowly Evelyn lifted her own and shook it. 

"Nice to have you here with us. You can call me Max," she said with a warm smile. 

Evelyn was so confused. Just a minute ago the man had threatened to hurt her and now... this women, Max, was smiling and being friendly. 

"He-hello," she said. Unsure what to do or say next, she quickly looked down. 

"We are going to call you Shy," Max laughed and gently ushered her in. The inside of the cabin surprised Evelyn. From the outside the cabin was a shack. But as Evelyn took a look around what seemed to be a living room, she couldn't help but marvel what she saw. Someone with an extremely good eye had decorated the room. Everything was white but it was still a very warm and welcoming space. 

"Welcome to my woman cave," Max said. "With that being said, Nate, you can leave now. Since I'm not in speaking terms with the Alpha, you can go and tell him about Shy."

"Oh, c'mon Max. I don't have my phone with me  and you can just say it to his mind."

"You better get going then. I'm sure Dex won't be pleased if Shy is is here without him knowing."

Evelyn watched silently these two. Everything was so strange.  

"I'm almost there," she heard Shawn.

"You think I'm leaving you two alone? When that mad dog is somewhere near. You of all people should know what a male wolf is capable of doing when his mate is taken from him. So, no sis. I'm not leaving. And you better start talking to the Alpha right now. If he knows there's a mad dog loose and coming to you.. and you are not telling him... How long do you think he's going to let you keep your woman cave?" 

Annoyence flickered in Max's eyes. 

"If he dares to burn the cabin down, I'll leave him. Even this mate bond crap can't keep me from leaving then.  And if this Cage guy is really coming after her, you should make sure the guys are patrolling the border."



"I think they have men protecting... the um... border."

"I know. I need to get pass them. Don't worry, love. I'm coming."

Max glanced at her as if she knew Evelyn had talk to Shawn. It made Evelyn feel uneasy. She still didn't know why she was here and more importantly, was she in danger. Max and Nate gave each other a knowing look. Nate nodded slightly and with long steps he stepped outside. 

"We are not going to hurt you, Shy," Max said. She intentionally emphasised every word. She gestured Evelyn to sit down on an arm chair. She, herself, sat on the sofa.

"We are your friends."

Evelyn couldn't help but laugh. 

"Friends? That man threatened to rip my heart out."

Max nodded. For a while she didn't say anything but had a annoyed expression on her face.

"I'm sorry. My mate is yelling in my head, so it's hard to concentrate," she sighed. "My brother shouldn't have said that. He wouldn't hurt you. He's just... well... not good with runaways."


"Yeah. Female wolves running from their mates."


"You are running away, right?" Max asked. She reached to a basket, that was on the floor. She picked up something that looked like a crochet project. Evelyn watched as Max's delicate but fast fingers started to work.

"I don't know," Evelyn said as she realised Max was waiting for her to answer. 

"So it's complicated. I like complicated. Simple is boring. "

"Well... it is complicated," Evelyn sighed. She started to relax a bit. The scary man was not there anymore and Max didn't seem like a bad person.

"If you want to get away from him, we'll help you."

"Wh- You will?"

"Yes. All you have to do is ask, Shy."

"My name is-"

"Don't tell me your real name. It's better that way. Harder to get information out of me, you know, if I don't know much. So... As I told you, all you have to do is ask."

Evelyn felt adrenaline running through her veins. This was it! She could get away. 


Max lifted her eyes from her crochet. 

"Can you help me?" 

Max nodded and smiled. But the smile quickly left her lips.

"You have to do exactly what I tell you. Or he'll find you. Do understand? Good. First, stop talking to him. Stop answering him. He'll get angry and the wolf in you makes it hard to stay silent. But you have to."


Later that night, Max took her to basement. She told her that it was air sealed, so he couldn't pick her scent. She would have to stay there for the night, and the next morning Max would get her out of the state. Max gave her new clothes and took her old ones. Couple men came to the cabin and took them. Before leaving they tore them into smaller pieces. 

"Why did they take clothes?" Evelyn asked Max who had just come to say goodnight.

"They're going to take the pieces all over the forest. So you're scent is everywhere. Not just here near the cabin. He can't get in here. My mate build this safe room to keep me safe if something would happen to him. No one get in without someone opening the door from the inside. You're safe here. Good night. I'll see you in the morning."

"Good night."

After Max left, Evelyn closed the door and locked it. She sat on the bedside and whispered.

"Good bye."

Little did she know know that those two words turned a wolf into a beast. 

"I'll find you. It's inevitable."

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