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Jennifer Lee Winston
My name is Jennifer... well my mother says I should always say: Jennifer Lee Winston, like its special. I'm seventeen years old. And I am a duff, a nerd or a geek and anything in that circle. That's at least what people at school tell me. I don't live with my dad, he moved out five months ago, after Mum caught him wiping the neighbour's face off, with kisses.

I think its funny, how Mum and dad loved each other for so long. They loved each other since high school, yet a single kiss caused endless fights. They basically spent eternity with each other. If that was me, I would of fought to save my marriage, but they just gave up. Ever since Dad moved out Mum has become crazy.. just so tense and a teeny bit um... wild. Who am I kidding a lot wild!

She brings home random guys before they steal all her money and take off. Mum, who I call by her name, Tracey, doesn't read so she won't get what love is.

I haven't loved anyone besides my mum, dad, gran, sister and my cat Mr. Fluffskirt. I know what love is even though I haven't loved. I hadn't found the right person to love but I live by these words, "love is a very confusing emotion... but what's life without breathless moments?"

Most my life I've had one thing that kept me going and that was the little diary Mum bought when I was seven. I write crazy things in there, funny things, sad things or happy memories I would love to remember one day.

My diary is my world. My sister thinks I'm crazy to love a thing like that but I don't think it is!

My mum, sister and I were packing our things,. A month ago Mum aka Tracey came home and told us: "Girls, pack your stuff!"

"Are we going camping? Again Mum? I can't afford to go camping twice in one lifetime! My nails. gosh We've been through this!"My sister, Jessica said.

"No! We're moving! Yay whoop!" Mum said. I swear I choked on my nachos!

"What? Why?" I asked. London was amazing. Why would she want us to move?!

"Girls, your father and I really hate each other now! I want to start on a clean leaf! And just be happy mom 101 Again!" Mum said.

I cried! I did. Leave London behind?! Lots of things were here that just... amazing... give that up??

"Mum... this is totally unacceptable! I live for London" I said.

"Forget her! I mean leaving this dump is great!" Jess said.
No! I need my diary!

Thanks a lot for reading. The chapter was edited on the sixteenth of August 2015!


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