Chapter Eight

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Jennifer Winston
06 July 2015
Dear Diary.....
It is now fourty-five minutes to one in the morning. And I am awake..wide awake. It was quiet noisy here, we lived close to a bar. That did not keep me awake.. I just could not sleep. It is 22:45 in London. Wait.. I said that I will never say London again. I left behind so much in Cheshire. I am standing up now and going to look through the window at the sea. It was wonderful. The noise at the bar slowly died down. Jessica is sleeping so peacefully.. I wish I was as sound asleep like she is right now. Later we meet up with the neighbors, they slipped a letter under the door stating that we should meet up there because they want to help us adjust into South Africa. I really hope that these two years of high school go fast. So I can leave this country and go to Lon.. Cheshire:-[ I didn't have a phone.. my phone number must be changed so I am sorta phoneless. "It is just amazing how the unexpected can change your life and change your actions" Baby daddy.

I haven't found out how I can repay Tracey the R500. I have to ask Nhlanhla how to deal with South African currency.

I was super, duper and I mean super nervous about my interview at the high schools I have enrolled into.
Wish me luck.:-)=-O

"Why are you awake?" Tracey asked. She looked like she had been balling her eyes out. "Couldn't sleep" I said. "That makes two of us" I said.

Tracey looked over at Jessica. "We'll wake her up if we spend a second here" Tracey said.

"Wanna go grab some hot milk-always works" she said. I nodded. It was the best offer yet.

We walked to the kitchen and she turned on the lights. "Hot milk or hot milk and biscuits?" she asked. "Hot milk and biscuits" I said. She opened the fridge and grabbed the milk before pouring it into a glass and warming it.

"How do you like it here?" She asked making conversation. "Fine I guess Tracey" I said. "We haven't been here too long and I am still missing home, Mum aka Tracey" I said.
"Why do you call me by my name? I am your mother" she said.
"This mother and daughter reunioun is terrific but I am so tired" I said, faking a yawn. I did not have energy to continue this conversation. "Stop right there" she said. "Get your butt here now!"She demanded.

"Please.. I just want to talk to you" She added.

"Fine..I call you by your name because you do not act like my mother, you act like my very old sister" I said just blurting these things out. She looked as if she was going to cry. Oh Gosh me and my big mouth!

"Am I a bad person?" she asked. "It is so understandable why I act like I do right now. This is a horrible feeling my dear. When you love a man and then you realise that you aren't as good as thought you were because he is looking for someone else" she grabbed a bottle of coke and dranl it like life depended on it. She was breaking down.

I was trying to calm her.

"He is an idiot Mum"I said. OMW did I say Mum??

"You mean that?'' she asked.

"Yeah.. I mean you are a good person. You are not like any other parent.. you bring home random guys, you know who Sam Smith is, you come to my school in a mini skirt but you are just always there for us" I replied. "And I love you" she stopped gulping on her Coke. "Say you love me around the world. Stay and hug all me all around the world" she sang. "Just say you love me" she sang. She started crying again. "Come on darling say you love me" she sang. We finished the last part together "Just say you love me".

"I promise I will do whatever it takes to show you I love you" she said.

I smiled, much like the smile I gave Jess when we danced. "You already did" I answered. We smiled.

"You go sleep. I am getting tired now. Love you" she said kissing my cheek.

"Love you too Mum"

I would love to thank: @loladom, @karema20, @irispop123, @athenashakespeare, @hamzaTJ1999, @carlabjazz, @telmaAparicio, @heartened, @FehVieria, @Shadow_Theif, @no_Hullabaloo, @um_meganxo,@NandaLiima,@EduardaLimma, @ChimuanyaAmarachukwu, @ahzyrk and @akiraxamon and last but no least @chichibs

You are awesome for sho!

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