Chapter Fourteen

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Jennifer Winston
"No.." The ice cream guy said.

"Oh okay" I said sadly.

"But if you're looking for a job, check out at Debonairs" he replied.

"Debonairs?" I asked confused.

"South Africa's local pizza parlour. Only found here. Try their pizza sometime; best pizza there is! That taste you get, its amazingly yummy. You can eat an entire horse alone but you're still be in the mood to eat Debonairs pizza" he replied. He was starting to make me really hungry.

"Thanks for the advice. Where is Debonairs?" I asked. "Its in London house, 128 Main Road, Sea Point" he said.
London-;) I said I don't want to say that word or hear it.

"Thank you" I said. I gave him a genuine smile. He nodded before shouted, "R5 ice cream. Get fresh R5 ice cream"

I ran to Jessica.

"Where did you go?" She asked annoyed.

"I just got inside scoop" I said laughing. Scoop and ice cream!!!

"Haha. On what nerderess?" She said fake laughing.

"Not funny. I just found out that a local pizza parlour, Debonairs, is hiring! We could get a job there!" I said.

"Why is that important again?" She asked sarcastically.

"Didn't Tracey say that we should, BOTH, pay her R500?" I said just as sarcastically as she said to me.

"Oh yes. Yeah I remember; so how does this affect us again?" She asked.

"Oh gosh. You know what?, just drop it. I'll ask Johnny" I said while sighing.

"Irritated much?" She said while licking her ice cream.

I felt a chill in the air and instantly remembered how Johnny and I ran in the rain yesterday. He was so, or should I say is, so much fun. He really made me so happy yesterday. I smiled. I hope I see him later.

"Who's making you smile like that?" Jess said smirking.

"Nobody, no one is making me smile. I'm smiling because I'm happy" I said as we got to the flat.

"Lemme rephrase that: who is making you smile because you're happy?" She said, while we walked up the stairs, smirking more than ever.

"Say whatever. You think I like Johnny; guess what? I don't" I replied.

"Whatever you say lover-girl. Just know: every girl goes through liking boys, or in your case a boy. It is so normal. So take a chill pill" she said, before we walked into the apartment.

I walked in after and Mum aka Tracey was sitting there.

"Hey girls" she said chirply.

"Hey Mom" Jess replied.

"Hi" I said, not as chriply. I ran to fetch my diary.

"Family meeting" Tracey said pointing to the couch when I got back.

I hated that stuff. It was one of those stupid things that brought back bad memories. I had a valid reason to hate this stupid stuff. I had an entry in my diary.

07 September 2014
Dear diary....
Mum just called a family meeting and announced something I thought she'd never say.
Her and Dad are getting divorced!!! What?!? I mean, that will change my life forever! Have they not considered my feelings in this whole situation?!

But.. I will..stay strong... I'm not alone. I have Jess. And she might be the worst sister ever, but she's the best sister ever. It's a sister thing. If you have one, you'll get it. I love her so much and she's the best sister ever.

So Jess.. If you, perhaps, maybe, di find my diary, please read the 7th's diary. It proves how much I love you.

Jess took a seat on the couch. I closed my diary after drying my tears and took a seat next to Jess.

"So, you guys.." Mum aka Tracey trailed off.

"How has it been?" She asked.

"Fine" Jess said.

"Perfect" I said.

", I know that you both are trying to get my money, but I think that maybe, instead, you, both, should pay me R450" she continued.

"That makes no difference. Thats R50 less" I said.

"Whatever she said" my sister said.

"It is fair! No agree to disagree. It's agree and that's it!" Tracey said.

"Anything else?" I asked annoyed.

"No, no Jennifer" she said.

"Good, family meetings waste my time anyway" I said to Tracey.

"You take that back!" She said like a responsible parent, acting like she cares.

" Tracey. You act like we're a family. All your acts and lies and just.. Your excuses. You're so unbelievable. By the way: why call it a family meeting if we don't even bond as a family. So why call it a family?" I said honestly.

I ran to my room. "Jennifer! Jennifer! Jennifer Winston!" She shouted after me.

I slammed my room door. Where's Dad when this stuff happens?

I would like to say thanks a lot to: _coolbooks_, Christian_Alex and Fairy__Tail__Fan and FlakyCandyGirlz and Forever_Alaina and shemoanslouis and my sister, carlabjazz!!
Thanks to all of you

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