Jennifer Winston
He was so looking so hot right now but he really made me angry! How could he lie and say "Oh, your daughter and I are gonna step out for a while" in that adorable accent of his. Wait...why am I saying these things?! I'm mad at him.

"John, turn this danm thing around! I swear, you are full of crap! How could you convince me to come out with you?! You are a such a bad boy"

"Just trust me and if you don't like it, don't worry"

"You need identification books to get into a club! I don't have one! So ha! You can't take me to the CLUB!"

"Jenny, I have my pals. And my pals are in high places"

"Pals like who?!"

"Well,the bouncer. And my brother has a part-time job here" he said while smirking.

"You're drunk hey?"

He started laughing. "Jennifer, I don't drink"

"If you say so"

"Cheer up kiddo. Don't accept anything from anybody. My brother isn't on duty so don't let anyone tell you 'Hi, I'm Johnny's brother'. Take your glasses off. Take your beanie off. Loosen your hair. My sister left her lipstick here once, use some. Smile. People wanna see that pearly white teeth. My sister, also, left a leather jacket here, use it. There is eyeliner in the cabinet, use some" he said as he parked the car somewhere.

"Can you repeat that?" I couldn't think, he was making me blush.

"Use some Jennifer!"

"Okay. But I don't like your tone. If you could be nicer, I'd appreciate it"

"USE SOME DAMMIT! he was so annoying now, but I like the bad boy side of him.

"Okay...fine" I did what he said and put on the dark red lipstick, loosened my hair, put the leather jacket on and took my glasses off.


"Jennifer, wow! You look um..amazing. Besides the clothes, Your face looks amazing"

I smiled.

"Put the eyeliner on" he told me.

I did as he said. "You ready?" He asked.



He got out the car and I wanted to do the same, but he stopped me.

He opened my door. Sweet.

We walked until we got to a club with BALLERS printed on the club's welcoming billboard.

"Sir, there is a line" the bouncer said. He didn't look up so he didn't know it was Johnny.

"Ceelo?" Johnny said.

"Jazzy, yo! Aweh" this Ceelo said. Who was Jazzy?

"How is it my man?!" Johnny asked.

"Jazzy, great! Keisha is getting married yo!" So there's this Jazzy, which had to be Johnny. Why would they call him that though?

"She is?! Wasn't she like fifteen yesterday with her big afro and those beautiful hazel eyes of hers?" Woah!! This Kiesha lady has beautiful hazel eyes and Jazzy likes it. Hmph!

"Yeah man...time flew. She is twenty-seven now"

"Best of luck"

"Hey, I forgot to introduce this lady. This is Jennifer" Johnny, or should I say Jazzy said.

"Hi.. I'm Christopher. Although, people call me Ceelo" he hugged me.

"Hey, I'm Jennifer. Although, people call me Jenny" I said returning the hug.

"Nice to meet you. You kids get in there. Lemme know if there is any problems" he said while laughing about my stupid comment about my nickname.

"Thanks Ceelo. Sien jou" Johnny said. The last two words he said was probably Afrikaans. It sounded like it.

"So, who's Jazzy?" I asked sarcastically.

"Me" he said as we walked into the club. It was noisy and around every coner someone was shaking their butt for someone.

"Why do they call you that?"


"Why do they call you that?"

"Oh, I worked here for three months. Everyone gets a nickname here"

"What about Ceelo?"

"He is forty-three. He was my dad for the hours I worked here"

"And Keyshia?"

"That is his sister. She is getting married. I liked that girl. She was is so pretty!"

"I see" I said disappointed. I wasn't good enough.

"What you wanna drink?" He asked.



"Two On The Rocks nonalcoholic" he said.

Again, he doesn't follow my orders. Again!

"John, I said I didn't want!"

"This is a club and girl, you gotta start your night right"

The nights by Avicci started to play. I danced in my seat.

"Get on the dancefloor!" Johnny said.


"Jennifer, God, please!"

I looked at a lady who was having so much fun dancing. She gave me confidence because she can't even dance.

"Let's go"

He grabbed my hand and I started nerd dancing.

"Woah! Hold the bus" Johnny said.

"Slow, easy and chilled" he showed me how to dance. I danced but fell. I got up and tried again and got it right!

"See, nice?" He said as we danced to Fun by Chris Brown and Pitbull.

Thanks to TaniaEspinoOborn!! She is so supportive and so caring. I really cant thank her enough.
As well as.. angels_care, camilany2001 and so many more. Thanks for reading.


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