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Jennifer Lee Winston

19 May 2028
Dear diary...
I was looking through my wardrobe yesterday, only to find the diary my mom bought me twenty-three years ago.

I'm thirty now. I'm an English teacher. I teach fifth graders.

I have got three little girls. I studied in South Africa. I got married at the age of twenty-two.

I live in South Africa. I couldn't leave. Loved it too much. I speak Afrikaans fluently now.

I had my first daughter at twenty-three, she's seven and she has a little diary.. Like I did. She's extremely creative. She loves Jess! She spends every weekend there. My other two, they are playful! I have to spend every afternoon chasing them to tire them out.

Mom has remarried to a guy named, Bill.

Jess isn't married, she doesn't want a husband. She can't fall pregnant, so she treats my kids like her own.

My life has been magnificent at this current point in time. I always wake up to coffee and a rose next to me.

I don't live in Sea Point. I moved out when I was nineteen and moved to Constanstia, where I still live. :-)

So..thanks diary, for sticking with me. I love you so much (and know you're a just a book)

Jennifer Lee Winston Van Der Merwe (yep, I married Jeff)

P. S:Johnny has devoted himself to becoming a great boyfriend to his girl. They're having their first kid next year. He's an actor. He lives in Spain. Weird, right?

Anywho..... goodbye, bestie

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