Jennifer Winston
"With yo little white lies!" Jeff kept on singing to me, while we were working.

"If you keep doing Louis's accent!" He was really sounding like that Tommo.

"Okay Love" he said in that British accent.

"Okay, do you not have coffee to deliver?"

"Don't you have coffee to make?" He said sarcastically.

I laughed and he joined in. He started singing Cool Kids.

"I wish that I could be like the Cool Kids" he sung in my ear.

"Have you ever?" I playfully rolled my eyes.

"You'll complain now, come ten years, when I win all the Grammy's I've been nominated for, you'll regret it" he said in an Australian accent.

"You and your accents!" I said laughing.

"Hey, its two days away from month's end" he said seriously.

"And?" I stopped what I was doing. He leaned up against the counter and so did I.

"I really like you Jenny and I know we haven't known each other long at all, but I feel like I could be the perfect best friend for you. I feel like if you leave the Coffee shop, I won't have my best friend wherever I go. I just got to know you and now you gotta leave" he said sadly.

"I feel the same. Jeff, I'm not leaving" I said smiling.

He smiled and hugged me so tightly.

"I'm so glad!"

Carla stepped in looking very displeased.

"Could you two get serious?! People are waiting for their coffee! I've been hearing you are playing! Get serious!" She said that sternly.

"Yes Mam'am, we're working now" Jeff said.

"Totally serious" I added.

"What she said"

She walked off and we started laughing.

"I swear, that lady needs a man" Jeff said.


"What? Its the truth. Ever since that marriage of hers failed, she's been the world's most miserable person! No lie" he chuckled.

We laughed but we heard her heels clicking on the floor's cement. We hid in the storeroom.

"This place is cold! This is your fault!" I was laughing while saying that.

"Hey! I didn't ask you to laugh" he was also laughing like hell now.

I hit him in his chest. "You think she's gone?" I whispered.

"Ye..why are we whispering? No, why are you whispering? You know we are like a hundred metres away from her office?! She can't hear us" he said laughing.

"You're a real joker you know?"

"Whatever, let's go" we walked out of the storeroom.

"Shift's over" he said when the clock hit seven.

"Ready?" He added


"Great, Johnny will be here soon" I groaned.

"What's up with you and my brother?" He asked.

"We just have a history...." I said.

"Wait, you dated him!?" He asked offended.

"No! Yuck! We just got..." I stopped.

"We're just friends" I spat out.

"I swear, believe me" I added.
He nodded and grabbed his belongings but, he still seemed a bit offish.

Thanks pals for reading. I'm not going to make a whole long chapter cos Wattpad has been giving me problems. It freezes after I write over 600 words so...

Also, thanks to all my followers

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