Jennifer Winston
"So I've called you all here to announce something to you" Johnny said as we sat down on a sofa at his home. He called Jessica, Jeff and I here, for who knows what.

"What is it?" Jeff asked.
Things have been okay with Jeff and I, but he still thinks Johnny and I dated. And now, because of this stupid, yet beautiful, bracelet he bought me, Jeff has jumped to all sorts of conclusions.

"I really grew to like you guys in the two months you've been here. Jeff, thanks for everything-" he was interrupted by Jess.

"Oh my God, he's dying"

"No, I'm not dying" he chuckled.

"Then what is it?" I asked fearing the answer.

"I've been accepted at Stellenbosch University. I'm leaving" he said sadly.

"Johnny?" We said in unison.

"I really am so sorry. I just gotta do, what I gotta do"

"How long will you be studying for?" I asked.

"Five years, they'll fly"

I looked at me for a long time; I basically stared at him. I was wondering why he wanted to study there? In Stellenbosch? Far? I was very caught up in these thoughts about how him and I met and the club..."

"And that look?" Jess mumbled, snapping me out of my daze.

"Always knew they had feelings for each other" Jeff said quite loudly.

"We dont, We just...have a deep connection" Johnny said as he looked in my eyes.

"Jenny, can I talk to you?" Johnny asked.

"Yes. Um, yeah" I said unsurely as I looked at Jeff.

"We'll be back in two minutes" Johnny said grabbing my hand.

He walked out the door and I closed it.

"Why the sour face?" He asked.

"Does it bother you that you're leaving? Everything, I just.. You're such a biatch! I don't want you to leave, John! You were my first official friend and now, you're leaving" I started crying. I know I've only known Johnny since June, but I feel like I've known him forever.

"Jenny, that's exactly why we'll Skype, write, text, voice message and call each other everyday. I'll always remember you, love. Besides, Stellenbosch is just an hour from here. It won't be long. Five years, its gonna go quick"

I stopped crying.



He hugged me and I felt so safe in those big arms of his.

I looked into his beautiful eyes and pecked his lips.

"Be safe" I whispered and laid my head in his chest.

"Don't worry, I will" he smiled, while pecking my cheek.

"I'm gonna, gonna head home" I hugged him tightly and walked into Johnny's and parents home.

"Jessica, I'm going home" I said and walked out to my house.

I grabbed my phone and looked at Johnny's and mine photo we took one day. I was smiling and he pulled a silly face.

I switched the phone off and looked for my diary.

I opened the book. And took my orangeish pen out of my pencil case.

19 August 2015
Dear diary
Johnny has just announced that he's leaving!? How could he?! Gosh! I don't know........... What to do. I don't know what to do! What to do, what to do? Gosh! Shoot it! Oh gosh, did I just say shoot it?! So bad girl! Well...I guess I gotta live with this change!

Johnny and I just....we've done so much together, now he's going to college! And then when he gets back, he'll forget whatever we had!

Nice going, Johnny! Nice freakin' going!

No no

I heard the door slam and Jessica marched in.

"What's going on with you?!" She asked angrily.

"Nothing! What's going on with you?!"

"Jennifer, ever since Eugene skyped you, you've been the world's crapiest person! Whats going on?"

"Hey, its Dad! Eugene, he is called by his mates! And, he just misses us, Jess. I just wanna see him, but he's engaged.. To our former neighbour" I said slowly.

"What?!" Jessica screamed.

"I-" she interuppted me.

"No! No, Jennifer! He left our good mother for that bitch! How could he? All my mother was for him, was good! And he goes and proposes to that bitch! That slut!" Okay, now we know how she feels. Jess is very angry. I know because she was swearing and she never swears.

"I know" she looked out the window and shook her head.

"I need some air" she said and left the room.

Great Jennifer! Freakin' fantastic!

I saw as she walked out the flat and walked to the beach in the rain!

Thanks people! Please read @hazmaTJ1999's book.

As well as karema20

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