Chapter Seven

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Jennifer Winston
"Care to explain?" Tracey asked annoyed. Both of us kept quiet... afraid of what would happen next. Tracey might be a careless, wild and not-as-young-as-she-thinks type of mother but when it came to her stuff... you could start digging your grave.

I remember once, my cousin, Randall, came over for Christmas and we broke Mum aka Tracey's favourite vase. We were playing a game and we got carried away. I even had it in my diary. I opened my diary to that specific entry.

20 December 2011
Dear diary....
My cousin, Randall, just stopped by here, in Cheshire and decided that he would spend the festive season here until Christmas. He is from the United States of America and he really only comes when he's mother, Aunt Stacey, visits here. Randall's father is in Brazil.. or so we think... he told us he would come back in 2009 but he never did. No one bothered searching for him.. we all wanted him gone. Randall was too small to have any recollection of his dad. But that's not the point.. we made up a game while fooling around and we took inside. While doing that.. we broke Mum's vase. We didn't mean to. She grounded Jessica and I, but only punished Randall by making him clean the entire lounge area. We apologised one thousand and one times but she did not even bother to pay attention to us. She punished us badly and from this day forward Jessica and I promised to NEVER, EVER and I mean never break anything. Mum bought a new one the instant we broke the other.

Jessica and I had to clean everything up. We did not want to cause more trouble. Randall said it was all okay because he had been through worse.. so now we didn't have to worry about an arkward Christmas.
Jennifer Winston

"I wanted to help, Mom" I heard Jess say and I looked up from my diary.

"Help!? Jessica l... how many times..that is Fine China!!!" Tracey yelled. I would save my sister's butt but I couldn't. Last time I tried that I was twelve and Mum aka Tracey smacked me for interferring.

All of these fights and memories we had with Tracey made me wonder if Dad was having affairs for a long time. He was never with us, even though he lived in the house we do.

Tracey was with us when we went to high school for the first time.
Tracey made the loudest cheer any parent did when Jess and I graduated.
Tracey was there to comfort me when I cried because I watched The Titanic.
Tracey was there when I fell on my head in second grade.
Dad wasn't. He was never there! So it will leave me wondering for 5e rest of my life...Did Dad care? Did he? Or was he just messing around. I feel kinda sorry from him. He is missing out on a lot.

"How are you invovled Jennifer?" Tracey asked. I snapped from my thoughts and looked at her.

"Excuse me Tracey?"I asked.
"Okay.. since you're both doing something that just cheese me off, you're going to have cough up something" she said annoyed, angrily and a teeny bit sad.

"What? Cough up what!" Jess asked.

"I am getting there JESSICA!!"she said starting off softly, until she got to Jessica.

"You are going to give me R500 and you are going to give me R500" she said. This time it she didn't raise her voice. "What?! That is so not fair! I didn't even do anything wrong!" I said.

"How about the countless times you called me TRACEY!?" She said starting off softly and then yelling Tracey.

"What about me!? You don't even use that." Jessica said.

"That is not the point now! What I do not get is why you will not listen when I say..I WANT R500 FROM EACH OF YOU! AND I WANT IT BEFORE THE END OF THE MONTH" she said.

"Where are we going to get all that money. We barely lived here. How mother? How?" Jessica inquired.

"Make a plan. Just make a plan" she replied. I sighed. This is going to be the worst month ever

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