Chapter Nine

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Jennifer Lee Winston
06 July 2015
Dear diary...
The school I enrolled in at was quite impressed with my application. I really was so happy, but my sister's application had a bunch of unnecessary info, but I think they were happy with her application too.

In three minutes we leave to this stupid dinner thing with the neighbours. Tracey isn't keen on going.. since the last neighbour we had.. had an affair with Dad.
Speaking of Tracey... the conversation we had this morning did not mean everything is okay. Yes...she's a wild child, who is disturbingly forty-five, but behind all of that is a woman who cares for her two daughters, a woman who is heartbroken because her ex-husband cheated on her, a woman is insecure because her husband cheated on her, a woman who still thinks she is twenty-five and she knows she is twenty years older. That's my mom. But I just can't pretend she didn't do any of things she has. The number of things she put my sister and I though..I love her even more after last night but milk and Simply Red doesn't always work.

"Hey you" Jess said.

"Hey! You look snazzy" I said. She looked Kim Kardashian who just stepped onto the Red Carpet.

"You cleaned up good too! Where are your glasses?" She asked. I wore glasses, it depresses me. It was so embarrassing! I cried for a week and went on a STRICTLY NO SPECTACLES strike when I found out I have to wear glasses. I sat in my room for three days straight and didn't come out. I had locked the door so that Tracey couldn't enter nor my sister. Until.. Dad kicked the door down.

"Girls!! Time to go!" Tracey shouted. "I'm not going to wear right now.. can I put it in your purse, please?" I said to Jessica.

"Um...important things are in there... not my sister's stupid glasses" she replied.

I gave her those puppy eyes of mine. "You tell no one of this" she said. I handed them over and smiled at her.

" know the drill... I am twenty-four if they ask. Rumor has it that if you tell a guy you're twenty-four, he'll actually be interested in you" I gave her the What the hell look! It's these things that make call her Tracey. I get the fact that she's insecure but didn't she say this morning that she will do ANYTHING to prove she loves us?

"Then don't say anything about your father, you're both adopted" okay now she's crazy.

"Look Tracey.. does it bother you that when they find out the truth.. we won't have anyone to actually help us in South Africa besides Nhlanhla!" I said.

"Oh God! Here we go with Tracey again!" Jess said.

"I am not continuing this talk anymore because if I do, you will probably get a smack!" Tracey said.

We walked out and Tracey locked the door. I knocked on the door.

"Oh Hello! Come in, please" a guy said who opened the door. "Oh welcome! Welcome! Welcome!" A lady said.

"Johnny!" She shouted. "I'm so sorry I have to scream, my son has a habit of always having earphones in his ears!" She also said. The guy stayed smile as if,'yeah.. we're not proud of him'
"You know lemme just go call him! Just go have a seat.. please make yourself at home!" She seemed friendly.

"Okay, just go through" he said. Tracey was very disappointed by the fact that this man was married and that he looked like he was fifty!

We took a seat and I felt my new phone vibrate.
Do u think we should go???????:-)- Jess

I replied like two seconds later.

No! They would feel offended!!- Jenny

So??? They're stupid son is probably out the window by now-Jess.

I simply didn't reply, we were here to make some friends, not foes.

The lady came back with a boy who looked like he was Jessica's age.

"Okay.. I didn't introduce myself, Hi I am Annelie" she said. Now that I listen.. they sounded much like Nhlanhla. Except maybe they didn't know as much as she did.

"This is my husband David" she continued. We wanted to shake their hands but they pulled us into a hug! How kind-spirited.

"And my son, Johnny" he looked up. Oh my gosh.. he was so good-looking! And those emerald eyes he had, kinda reminds me of Harry Styles! I might not have my glasses right now but I can see fine!!

He had a hairstyle that was very rare.. but it kinda made him look much better! Wait.. I'm never going to get a chance with him.

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