Jennifer Winston.
"Have a great day" Tracey said to Jessica and I.

"Bye Mom" obviously, only Jessica would say that.

"Bye Tracey" I kissed her on her cheeks.

I didn't put my spectacles, I stopped wearing it. I wear eye contacts now.I'm rebelling now.

"Love you Mom" Jessica also placed a kiss on her lips. She walked into the school building. I tried to turn too, but I was pulled back by someone.

"Hey rebel. You wanna tell me why you're rebelling now?" Tracey asked.

"Now is an inappropriate time"

"Jennifer, don't make the same mistake I did. Listen to me, I know what I'm talking about. Don't rebel. Please? Don't make the mistake I did" I looked at her crazily.

"You get in there. Have a great day kiddo." She smiled.

"I love you too" she kissed me and I hugged tightly.

"I'm gonna be so lonely without you two at home. Be safe, Nemo" she laughed. She knows I like Finding Nemo and when Marlin has to let go of Nemo, when he goes to school, Tracey was feeling right now.

She got in the car, honked and drove away.

I walked into the school building.

I walked to the front reception.

"Morning" a lady said.

"Good morning mam'am"

"How could I be a blessing?" She asked laughing.

"I'm new. Jennifer" she typed her fingers away.

"Winston?" She inquired.


"Well, welcome! Have a marvelous time here love" she said. I smiled.

"I've assigned you to someone who can help you around"

"Thank you so much mam'am"

"Don't bother thanking me. His name is Jeffrey"

"Jeffrey?" I asked; I knew a Jeffrey.

"Here he is now" I turned and looked at that cute guy who I met at Carla's a couple of days ago.

"Jeffrey" I said surprisingly.

"Jennifer" he said as surprised as me.

"You two know each other? How wonderful!" Ms. I-dont-know-her-name said.

"The world is small after all" Jeff said.

"Guess so?" I replied.

"Off you too go now" the lady said.

"Yes Mrs. Thompson" Jeff said. That was her surname!

We turned and walked out of the office.

"You ready?" Jeff asked as we started walking to the locker room for eleventh graders.


"You doubted. You aren't ready"

"So besides your good looks, you're clever" Wait! Where have I said that before?

"You said that loud. Thanks though. You're cute-pie yourself" I blushed.
Where have I heard that before?


"Thank you. You know, we could travel to work together after work?"

He raised his eyebrow.

"That's if you want too" I said nervously.

"My brother can pick us up. He doesn't do anything anyway" he chuckled.

"Merwe" someone came past and high-fived him.

"Yo! Steve! Man with a plan!" He yelled after him.

"Check you in Maths class" this Steve yelled back.

"Kwaai!" He called and diverted his attention back to me.

"What's Kwaai?" I asked.

"It means cool"

"Right. How do you know him?" I asked.

"My brother's best friend. Do you have any siblings?" He asked changing the subject.

"Yeah. A sister. Jessica. How about your brother?"

"He's nineteen. His name is Johnny"

"Johnny van Der Merwe?"

"That's the one"

Oh God no!

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