Jennifer Winston
"Jennifer, get out of there" I heard Tracey call.

"Jennifer, get out of there now!" She said again. I was looking through the window at all the happy people passing by. Ugh! Happiness and happiness every bloody where.

"Jennifer, I'm not playing right now. Get out of there now!" Tracey said. She started banging on the door.

"Mom, I'll handle this"I heard Jessica say.

I heard Tracey's shoe heels disappear. She was gone!!!

"Nerderess.... Open please" I heard a different voice.

"Please, I'm not going to lecture you. All I want us to do is talk. So open please" she asked nicely.

I walked closer to the door.

"If you leave me now.." She started singing.

"You'll take-" she tried to sing but I interuppted her by opening the door.
"What?" I asked.

"Rude much?" She asked sassily.

"Finnnnne..what?" I said nicer. And, dragging out the 'n' to show I was pissed.

"Can I come in now?" She asked.

I gave way so that she could come in.

She took a seat on the bed. I sat next to her.

"What's bothering you Jenny? I haven't seen you act like this since you realised that Dad was really moving out. Are you okay? I can talk to Mom for you. Just talk to me Jenny. I love you and it hurts to see you act like this. What's wrong angel?" She said sincerely.

"And then what? Jessica, I don't know what's wrong with me. Really I don't know. Life's messed up. Its so confusing. I don't know...I'm so tired of everything. Just everything" I said.

" can always talk to me. Always. I'm right here. And yes, I'm full of myself and don't pay much attention to you, but Jess never doubt that I love you so, so, so much. You're the best sister ever and I really want no other sister" I smiled at her comment.

"Jessie.." I tried to say but I started crying. She held me close to her and I inhaled her White Lace perfume.

"You are loved by Tracey and I. Don't forget that" she stated.

"And Chewing gum is really gross, chewing gum you should hate the most" she said making me laugh.

"You know who taught me that?" She asked.

"An intelligent girl who's wasting her time by crying" she stated. I gave her a geniune smile.

"Hey Mr. Grumpy Grump. When life gets you down, wanna know what you should do? Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming. Swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming swimming" she said mimicking Finding Nemo's Dory. I laughed. We watched that movie everyday as kids.

"Thanks a lot Jessie. I love you too" I said.

"Don't mention it. I just wanna see you smile" she said.

"You wanna listen to the radio?" She asked.

"Nope..I just wanna talk to you"

"Best idea ever!" She smiled.

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