Jennifer Winston

3 September 2015
Dear diary....
Johnny and I have contacted every day since he left, which was probably two weeks ago. Jessica and I are no longer in contact with our father. We feel like we owe him nothing for deserting us.

Life is okay, at the moment.

I'm slowly, learning how to call Tracey mother. We have a Mommy and me night on a Thursday. We catch up on each other's lives, or she'll take me with her to the mall. Our Mommy and me night is on a Thursday and Jess and Mom's night is on a Wednesday.

It took me a heck of a long time to convince him, but Jeff sorta believes Johnny and I never dated.

Johnny never had feelings for me. He confirmed it and to my surprise, I didn't care. I was offended, just didn't throw myself  into my bed and eat everything in the fridge.

I don't wear leather jackets anymore or all black outfits. I'm dressing the way Jennifer Lee Winston would. I still wear contacts, though. I still have my Kanye West moments, just like when I have my Albert Einstein moments.

I speak bits and bits of Afrikaans. Jeff helps me. I haven't tried Xhosa. I still fear it.

Nhlanhla still helps us out. She came over last week to teach my mom how to make umnoqsho (samp and beans).

I still work at Carla's. In fact,Tracey works their too. Carla decided to sell cupcakes with her famous coffee and my mom makes the cupcakes.

I still think about how my dad is getting married to the lady he had an affair with. He really doesn't care. If he doesn't even bother to find out how we are, guess he doesn't care.
No stress. I have my mom and Jess.

Jennifer Lee Winston.

I closed my diary and looked at the sea. It had been Spring for three days now, but it was still quite cold.

"Hey" I heard Jeff's voice say.

I looked up and saw that cute face of his.

"Hey Jeff, how's it going?"

"Good. How about you?" He said as I patted next to me so he could sit next to me.

"Great. Have you heard from Johnny?"

"Yes, this morning" he said while standing. I stood up too.

"I haven't spoken to him since the letter he sent" I replied.

"What did it say?"

"Net dat hy verlang ons, almal" (he misses everyone)

"Hey! Look who's talking! I'm a proud friend" he laughed and so did I.

I stared at his green eyes, and for the first time, I felt deeply atractted to Jeff.

He stared into my hazel eyes and tucked a strand of my brunette hair behind my ear.

"What brings you here so late? Tomorrow's school" I said breaking the way too comfortable silence.

"I saw you" he said but it sounded as if he wanted to continue.

"And?" I popped my left brow.

"I missed Johnny"

I hugged him and those arms of his, that weren't huge, but felt marvelous to have them wrapped around my torso.

"Everyone misses him" I said trying to avoid his eyes. And those plump lips of his! Every time I tried to look away, his good looking ass caught my head and turned it right around.

He nodded.

He moved closer to my lips and kissed me! I tried to push him away, I couldn't kiss him, because I didn't know how.     I closed my eyes.
I dropped my diary and placed my arms around his neck and kissed him back. What are you doing?! You're Jennifer, and Jennifer was supposed to wait till college to kiss a boy.

I pulled away and opened my eyes.

"Yep, yep they do" he smiled, but it wasn't a smirk, just a genuine, honest smile. I picked up my diary and looked into the handsome face I just kissed.

"So, where to now?" He asked after two seconds of silence.

"Take things slowly. Let's see how this will work" I said fearing his reaction.

"Responsible. Now that's my type of girl" I laughed as we started walking from the beach to our flat.

"See you, Jen" he pecked my cheek.

"Bye, Jeff" I waved and walked into the apartment I lived in.

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