Chapter Ten

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Jennifer Lee Winston
"We have two sons,he is at soccer practice" Annelie said.

"Yes.. nothing comes between him and soccer" David replied. I we too busy day-dreaming about Johnny to care about whoever was at soccer practice. He had a face that was magnificent. I'm on cloud 9!

"I need the bathroom, could you please direct me?" I asked politely.

"Well sure you can! Just.. Johnny" David said. Oh gosh..he was going to direct to me to the bathroom! "Johnny! Johnny!" Annelie said. "Huh?" He said. He's voice was music to my ears.. like.. wow?

"How many times must I tell you take those things out of your damn ears!" Annelie said. Jessica almost burst out laughing at her outburst. "My gaaaaadt" Tracey said. Johnny ignored her got up walking to me.

"Didn't you say you need the toilet?" Johnny asked sarcastically, after I just remained seated. "Y-yes! I do. Need to go to the loo" I said nervously. "Johnny, help a lady..." David said.

"Out of her seat" Johnny replied. He held out his hand for me and I thanked him.

We walked down the passage to the bathroom. "You know the way back right?" He asked. I nodded before closing the bathroom door.

I looked at my reflection, you are here to make friends, not boyfriends, I told myself. I smiled in the mirror remembering that instant when he lifted his head and those eyes...

I flushed the the toilet and walked out of the bathroom. I tried to remember the way to the lounge area. I was too busy remembering how he held my hand.

"Well dinner is ready" Annelie said. Tracey dished for Jess, she didn't want her nails to get chipped! Typical diva! I dished for myself.

The food looked weird. "I'm so sorry, but what are we about to eat?"Tracey asked. "I'd say that it looks appealing! Looks delicious!" I said.

Annelie looked at Tracey and replied, "You can eat it! It's 'pap en vleis', a traditional African meal"

"Whats the pap? And the vl.. Oh I can't say it" Jessica said.

"The pap is the white stuff that look like mashed potato, the vleis is the meat aka beef" Johnny said. "So he speaks" I whispered.

"We also prepared South Africa's famous boerewors and samp and beans!" Dave said.

"Whats samp and beans? And erm.. boerewors?" Tracey said.
"Why don't you try it?" Annelie asked.

I put my fork into some 'samp and beans', boerewors, pap and Vleis. I slowly put in my and mouth and it was... lovely!!! I think this is food, not the takeouts Tracey gets us. I was loving this food. I started eating like life was depending on it. I had only realised I was forgetting my table manners when Tracey cleared her throat, Johnny laughed and Jess texted me.

Should I be worried about the way u are eating? Um cos u are kinda disgusting me~Jess.

I ignored her and told everyone, "I'm so sorry for the manner in which I'm eating, but this is tasty! Like magic... on my tongue!"

"Well sweetie I'm glad you like it! You are acting like you have never eaten homemade food!" Dave said. I looked at Tracey..and I know she doesn't cook, I can't lie. "No, Tracey cooks all the time" I said. "Tracey?" Annelie asked. "Don't you not call her mother?" Dave inquired. "And they say I'm the most disrespectful child, yeah right!" Johnny mumbled but everyone heard him.

"I allow them to call me that" Tracey said. I finished my food and yelled, "finished" to get the attention of my mo.. Tracey.

"Wow! You really liked it! Since you're done, would you like Johnny to show you around Sea Point? It's a great time now. It's not raining and I think now is the only time Cape Town will get a dry day for a long time:-)" Dave said. Johnny tried to protest.

"Well.. I don't mind that" I said.

"Bundle up kid. It's a breezy out there" Annelie said. I put my coat on and borrowed Jessica's scarf.

"We'll be back soon" Johnny said with a glum face. Annelie waved and closed the door after we left.

"Hi" I said. "You're not from here. Where do you originate?" Johnny asked.

"Cheshire" I said. He was really handsome. "You know, I know Tracey doesn't cook" Johnny said. "What?" I asked acting surprised. He was clever! Or I was a bad liar.

"I know your mom doesn't cook! You were way to unsure about your answer, you made it obvious" he said.

"Oh my gosh! What will your parents think?" I asked. "Never mind them, they're easy buzz" he replied.

"Easy buzz?" I asked confused. "They are chilled parents" he said as I sighed a sigh of relief!

"Once I lied to them about having a stomach cramp just to go and watch a movie at the cinema" he said chuckling.

"And they believed you?" I asked laughing. "Yeah, but my lie didn't actually go according to plan" he was laughing like it had just happened. "So..Jordan right?" He asked as his laughter died down.

"No, Jennifer. You can call me Jenny though" I said. "Right, so what do you know about this place?" He asked.

"Well, I know some of your delicious foods now. And I know the three main languages you speak. When we got here, a really nice lady helped us. She explained the traditional dances they did in front of the airport" I said.

"The Zulu people? No, they're not just there" Johnny said. "They are everywhere.. you should check the V&A Waterfront.. they are always there" he added. "Can we go sometime?" I asked.

"Erm.. I'm not sure, it's winter now" he replied. "It doesn't matter! I would just like to see some things South Africa has and it's talent" I said, speaking honestly:-)

"Well then...okay" he said.

"When? Tomorrow, the weekend?" I said excitedly! "No.. how about you just knock on my door and let me know" he said as we reached the flat again.

"That was really nice Johnny" I said. He hugged me and I inhaled his cologne. Oh gosh. "Bye Jen"

"Bye Johnny" I said as he turned to his room.

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