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Jennifer Winston
31 May 2015
Dear Diary...
Packing and thinking about how I leave London in a couple of days makes me wonder if I will ever come back.

I hope Mum aka Tracey realises that Home is where the heart is... and my heart is in London, Cheshire, England.

I said goodbye to all my teachers today, although I know no one will miss me.

I thought moms were supposed to care about their children and their opinion on matters like moving. Especially out of London! I can't even! How will I live like this?! Mum was going to announce where we were moving to today, I hope it's close to London.

But Tracey probably knows what she is doing...
Jennifer Winston

We waited patiently for Mum aka Tracey to come down the stairs with the news that would totally change my life. My one hundred and twelve percent diva sister sat and painted her nails.

A lot of people loved her not because she's a lovely person but because she is the captain of the cheerleading squad. She was super popular... and the fact that she is dating the school jock made publicity even more for her.

Everyone knew her sister... THE NERDERESS. Nerderess? A word made up by idiots who clearly do not read the dictionary! Like hello?
But... I'm not as ugly as they make me sound. I have an amazing personality. I only had one friend in Cheshire and that was Anna. Anna and I only spoke occasionally. But nonetheless, I still called her friend.

I couldn't ruin my sister's reputation by hanging out with her during recess. In the school cafeteria, I sat a table with my classmates in my science class. They were fun though!

"Nerderess?" My sister called. "Yeah?" I asked. You are probably wondering why don't you go and smack her but nah... I got used to her calling me that.

"Your cat. Mr. What-have-you-not just crawled onto my bed and kept lying there like it's just so norm!" She said chewing her strawberry gum, she has this stupid obsession with gum.

Like the wise Willy Wonka said, "Chewing gum is really gross, Chewing gum I hate the most" Aah... Charlie and the chocolate factory remains the best.

"Honestly, you really shouldn't mumble because I can't understand a word you're saying!" I said. "Should I skyrocket it?" She asked.

"Please do. Nobody can you hear over the stupid gum you're chewing!" I said. "By The Way: Chewing gum is really gross, Chewing gum I hate the most" I said.

"Oh yeah? Chewing gum is really good. Chewing gum beats Mum's food! See? I can throw a line at ya Jenny!" She said.

"Chewing Gum Sucks!" I said. "Look. Get your cat get off my bed before me and you have problems!" She said.

"Ha! You weren't paying attention in English class... everyone knows it's YOU AND I! even One Direction because they have a song, YOU AND I!" I said.

We argued till we couldn't. All I heard was "You this you that!"

"You can forget it! Cut it out! Now with less than 53 hours to pack; GO PACK!" Tracey said. I hated it when she pretended she could handle conflict because if she could, we wouldn't have to move!


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