Chapter Five

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Jennifer Winston
05 July 2015
Dear Diary
We have just landed in Cape Town, South Africa. It was winter here! I did my research and apparently South Africa is two hours ahead of London. When we got off the plane, the people here were speaking strange languages. Tracey said we were going to stay in a place called Sea Point. We haven't reached our apartment yet. Tomorrow Tracey said she'd take us sightseeing on Cape Town's Hop on, hop off sightseeing bus. I looked at the security officer at the airport who was checking our luggage, he spoke to the other security officer in a language where there is a lot of clicking involved. How was I going to make it here? They spoke strange languages that involved clicking and I couldn't click!! Great!!

The woman over the Intercom said, "Goeie Morê. Welkom na Kaap Stad Lughawe" She spoke it too! "Molweni. Siya namkela nonke!"She continued. Wow they spoke weird languages! "Good morning. Welcome to Cape Town International Airport" she said.

We sat at the entrance of the airport because Tracey booked a taxi to take us to Sea Point.

"What languages are they speaking?" I asked Jessica.

"I don't have a clue!" She replied. "There's free Wi-Fi here.. do your research" I said.

She nodded.

She typed in, South Africa. They have eleven official languages! The main were Afrikaans, IsiXhosa and English. We listened to the languages they spoke on YouTube. I recognized the language with all the clicking in; it was IsiXhosa. They also have IsiZulu. IsiZulu was similar to IsiXhosa.

Their Flag was marvelous. They had Nelson Mandela everywhere, who the South Africans called Tata Madiba. Their national anthem was very different from anywhere else in their world.

All around the world, everyone knew South Africa had come a long way. Apartheid and all the freedom fighters.. it was amazing where they were now.

We both looked up from Jessica's phone, we heard drums.

"Whats that sound?" I asked.

"It's something like a drum" Jessica said.

"It's an African drum. It's played everywhere where tourists visit. It's a welcoming thing" a random lady said. Her accent was totally different. Absolutely.

"I'm so sorry but I just overheard you two. I didn't mean to be eavesdropping" she said.

"It's okay. We needed the help" Jessica said.

There were people who came out in a skirt and beads, but not any skirt.. Almost like it was made from wood or something.
They started singing in that language.. what was called?? Um.. IsiXhosa!

"Is that IsiZosa?" I asked. It's spelled IsiXhosa.. but I pronounced it, IsiZosa.

"You mean IsiXhosa?" She asked.

"Yes!"My sister and I replied.

"No..that's Zulu. Those are Zulu people" she said. Her accent amazed me.

"Why are they dressed like that?" Tracey asked joining the conversation.

"It's their traditional wear. The bead and the skirts were made by them. There is place in South Africa called KwaZulu-Natal, that is the Zulu Kingdom" she said.

We sat with open mouths as we watched them dance and sing.
There was another sound.

"Now that's the Marimba. It's the African Xylophone" she said. A lady made a funny sound that sounded much like, "Hililili".

"I'm so rude for not introducing myself. Hi, I'm Nhlanhla" she said. Her name was unusual. And it's not pronounced the way it's spelled.

"I'm Tracey and these are my kids.. Jessica and Jennifer" Tracey replied.

"My taxi is here. Why don't I give you my number and I could show you around?" Nhlanhla said as she grabbed her luggage.

"Thats an excellent idea!" Tracey said. "As soon as I change my number.. I'll give you a call" she added.

Nhlanhla wrote a number down and waved at us before getting into the taxi and driving off.

Hey!! I hope you enjoy this because I enjoyed writing it. All places exists and the languages and information. I'll update soon.

Traditional attire worn by Zulu people in the multimedia

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