New Chat?

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A/N: The sludge incident has not happened. So that means All Might does not see Izuku's potential and Izuku does not save Bakugo not helping Bakugo's ego in any way.

Izuku's POV:

I need to plan out what I should do now. I'll keep training. I'll learn new ways to defend myself. I should learn how to do karate and adapt it to my fighting style. I need to update my diet plan and my warm-ups because they are getting too easy to do. I have ten months till the UA Entrance Exam. I should be fit enough if I keep to the plan. Thank goodness I've been training since I was young. I'll have to make my muscles dense and firm because I can't be an all-hit and no-smarts hero. I have the smarts down. I just need to start training even more than I do now. I think I have high school-level knowledge. I haven't taken an IQ test in a while. I'll focus on that later.

I suddenly hear a ding! And then I look around and then notice it's from my phone. 'Now who could that be', I think to myself.

Five minutes earlier starring the UA Staff

Present Mic has made a new chat named 'UA Staff Chat'

Present Mic has added 12 users

Present Mic has changed their name to Speaker

Speaker has changed Eraserhead's name to Caterpillar

Speaker has changed Midnight's name to ~M

Speaker has changed Recovery Girl's name to Granny

Speaker has changed Cementoss's name to Wall 2.0

Speaker has changed Snipe's name to Bullseye

Speaker has changed Nezu's name to Rat Satan

Speaker has changed Thirteen's name to VOID

Speaker has changed Hound Dog's name to Therapist

Speaker has changed Vlad King's name to Vampire

Speaker has changed Ectoplasm's name to Pirate

Speaker has changed Unknown name to Digger

Speaker has changed Lunch Rush's name to EAT!

Speaker: Hey guys!

Speaker: I made a new chat since our old one got mysteriously deleted

Everyone is online

Rat Satan: Yeah

Rat Satan: We never knew what happened

Caterpillar: Hizashi

Caterpillar: I'm trying to sleep

Caterpillar: What is this?

Caterpillar: Never mind

Caterpillar: I just backread

Caterpillar: By the way

Caterpillar: That is very ominous Nezu

Rat Satan: Are you trying to imply I did it

Caterpillar: Nope...just stating facts

~M: Whatsup ~ peeps ~

Vampire: No 

Vampire: Just no

~ M: Oh shut up Vlad

Bullseye: Ohhhhh

Rat Satan: Now, now, this for work purposes only

Rat Satan: There shouldn't be any joking around

Rat Satan: This is for communication purposes only

Digger: Um...hello?

Speaker: Oh hey Powerloader

Digger: I think you've got the wrong person

Rat Satan: Yamada

Rat Satan: You put someone else in here that is not Powerloader

Speaker: My fault

Speaker: Who are you listener?

A/N: Ooooh...A cliffhanger! I love these, but hate them at the same time! Gummi, out!

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