A Little Flashback To An Interesting Moment

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A/N: Thank you to everyone who has voted for this story. Now I think this chapter will get a bit more interesting! 🙂

Izuku's POV

Today is the day of my provisional license exam! I'm on the bus right now with Nezu and Mr. Aizawa and I can't wait. I'm pretty nervous though. What if I don't make it? What will happen if I fail? Will Nezu kick me out of school? Will my life be like it was before all this happened to me? Mutter Mutter Mutter.

Eraserhead's POV

The kid is taking the provisional license exam today. He seems really nervous, but I think he has the potential to pass this exam. No one has seen what he can do outside of the staff. He has already beaten the staff to the ground including me.


"Kid, I want you to battle me and the teachers one by one so we can see how far you have gotten," says Aizawa.

"Okay!" says Izuku.


In the next two seconds, I was on the floor. I try to look up, but I can't. What happened I question.

"Are you okay Mr. Aizawa?" says Izuku.

"I'm fine, but what exactly happened?"

"Um, how do I phrase this?"

"You got pummeled to the ground Shota!" says a new voice.

I forgot the staff was watching.

"That is quite right Mic. It was a sight to see!" says Nezu.

I'm wrapped in my scarf? How did the kid manage that?

"How do I get out of this now? I have never gotten this tightly wrapped up in my entire time with my scarf."

"Um, wait one second Mr. Aizawa."

I was up in one second after that.

"Kid, how did you do that?"

"I-I was observing you with your scarf for the past couple of months and was waiting to use this trick I picked up when you challenged me. I hope you are okay with that."

"That's an amazing kid!"

He then went on against every teacher, even Nezu. The surprising this was that he beat each and every one of us. We have a lot of years of experience and for him to beat all of us in one run was crazy to look at.

Flashback Over

The kid seems to be mumbling about something. He seems really nervous.

"Hey, kid! What are you mumbling about?"

It seems to be a habit for him and then he looks at me nervously and says.

"Oh, what if I don't pass this?"

"You'll do fine. You have a great mind and you also have a great experience with you! You'll dominate this competition."



"Thanks, Mr. Aizawa!"

This kid is just something else. I know he'll pass these exams. I know it.

A/N: And we end off on a sweet note with a flashback of how Izuku beat all the staff at UA! That was funny. We also have a little Dadzawa at the end! This story will have no ships and will have minor Dadzawa. I also need to inform you guys that sadly I won't be updating for the next few days due to exams coming up. I might update again later today or maybe tomorrow, but other than that, don't get your hopes high. I'm sorry again, but exams are literally in a couple of weeks so I need to study for them. I hope you liked this chapter though! Gummi, out!

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