My Life and How It's Been

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A/N: Hey guys! Despite what I said earlier today, here it is! A new chapter! Be happy!

Izuku's POV

My first day at UA as Nezu's personal student is today! I get to meet all the teachers! It was decided after that meeting that I would take lessons with Eraserhead on sparring and learning new techniques due to me having some already, but not too many. I can't wait for it! I get to also take classes from the support department due to my having some knowledge! Eek! I just can't wait. Most of my time though will be spent with Nezu.

Powerloader's POV

The whole staff has a meeting right now about the kid that Nezu took an interest in. I think his name was Izuku Midoriya. I think that was it. This might be interesting. The kid surprised me so much the last time he came. He made a full-on glitter bomb which I am not opposed to, but come on! He had to let it off!

Eraserhead's POV

I'm not surprised this meeting is about that kid that Nezu got interested in. He interested me too. He has enough potential to do some good things in the heroing world. It's even better that he is quirkless. I'm still mad at All Might for ruining this problem child's dream. That still ticks me off.

Nezu's POV

My god. This kid is smarter than the average person by a lot. He is only five points from my IQ which is 245. He might as well be the second smartest person or animal on Earth. We need someone like that in our industry of heroing. I know for a sure fact he is going to be the future symbol. Suck it All Might! HAHAHAHAHA

(A shiver goes down the entire staff's + All Might's backs)

At this point, everyone is settled in the meeting room.

Knock knock

"Come in," says Nezu.

"Why hello Midoriya. How are you?"

"I am good how about you and everyone here!" says Izuku.

"Quite fine myself and I suppose everyone here is good as well. Now onto business. We are here to officially talk about your schedule and your official role in this school."


"Eraserhead will teach you new skills like fighting and stamina training. Powerloader will teach you more things about support items and the background of the business. I'll teach you the basic knowledge needed and you will test out of your subjects from high school and start your college degrees. I also want you to earn a teacher's license."

"Why is that?" says Izuku.

"I want you to teach the first year's hero analysis. You seem quite good in that subject and you rival my analysis which I think everyone here can agree to."

"That's the truth kid. It's scary what you can do," says Snipe.

"I agree," says Ectoplasm.

"It was so cool little listener!" says Present Mic.

"Ok! I'll do it!"

"I knew you would agree! Now let's get on with it!"

Time Skip

Izuku's POV

It has been a couple of months ever since I was added to that group chat. Since that time I have grown in my studies. I officially passed all my high school courses and graduated academically. I am on my first degree for college and I finished my teacher certification too. I'll teach classes 1- A and 1-B for the coming year! It will be so exciting! I have also been improving in strides in my sparring lessons with Eraserhead. He thinks I'm on the level of a third year which I can agree with since I fought against some of them. I have also been doing well in my support classes. I made lots of items for my hero suit. It's a mix of things. It's still in the process though. I love how it's going though! All in all, it's been an epic few months ever since I settled into this new schedule of going to UA. Summer break is almost here, so during that time I will finish my degree move on to my second, and start getting ready for the entrance exam. I'm technically supposed to help the teachers which I am excited for. They'll be using my notes for it which is huge in that achievement. All in all, I am very excited!

A/N: Let's see what happens next! A little birdie told me that Nezu has something brewing underneath his paw! Let's see if that is true! Gummi, out!

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