New Addition and Planning

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A/N: I know that you guys were dying for a new chapter and here it is! Somehow, I am free! I don't know how, but that gives me more time to make this story more interesting and exciting for you readers!

Nezu's POV:

I proposed a staff meeting today. It is closer to summer's end now and it has been officially nine months since everyone met Midoriya through the chat. We still talk in there sometimes, but it is mainly for important school things coming up that relate to everyone. I am proposing to the staff that we make Midoriya take the provisional license exam. I hope everyone agrees. I already have the Hero Commission since I have so much blackmail on them, now I just need the staff's approval. I bet they will say ok. Midoriya is on the level of a third year and is smart enough to do it. I will propose he take the regular one and the analytical exam as well so he has a license in both for the future.

Everyone has gathered in the meeting room for a meeting. No one except Nezu knows what this is about. Aizawa and Powerloader have a fair idea, but they don't know or are not sure about it either. Let's just say that after this announcement, lots of things will happen!

"Hello and good morning to everyone! I have an announcement to make relating to Midoriya. It is also about another staff addition."

"Is it about Midoriya taking the provisional license exam," says Aizawa.

"Why yes it is Aizawa," Nezu says, "how did you know?"

"I've had the feeling for a while now. He is stronger than most of our third years and all of them have it. Why shouldn't he get one as well? He seems ready enough for it as well."

"I can also atone for that. He has been training with everyone here and I can say that he will do well in it," says Cementoss.

"The little bush is more than ready," says Midnight.

"He will be that is for sure. He will be teaching the coming years he is here and he will also be the hero course's analysis class teacher. He will be the co-teacher for heroing and he will also be taking the analytical exam after the provisional license one."

"Now that he should," says Powerloader, "I can guarantee he has the mind for it."

"Then it is set!"

"Hey Nezu," says Snipe.


"What do you mean by co-teacher and does this relate back to what you said earlier about the new addition to the staff?"

"How good of you to catch on! Yes, it does relate to each other!" Nezu says in a strained tone.

"We will be adding All Might to our staff this year and he will be teaching heroing alongside Midoriya."

"We all know how that will end Nezu. Why are you doing this? Midoriya has a history with him," says Aizawa.

"I did this so we can keep track of him and so he doesn't do something stupid like he did with Midoriya."

"In that case, it should be fine," states Ectoplasm.

"I think that should be all! Get ready for the entrance exam and the upcoming year everyone!"


All Might's POV


Someone seems to be talking about me. Oh well, must be a fan!

A/N: Hope you guys like this chapter and the book so far! I have a challenge for everyone reading though! Anyone who thinks My Hero Academia is cool type a huge YEAH! In the comments show off your Present Mic-ness! Gummi, out!

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