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Chat Names (Are subject to change):

Present Mic: Speaker

Midnight: ~ M

Eraserhead: Caterpillar

Nezu: Rat Satan

Hound Dog: Therapist

Recovery Girl: Granny

Thirteen: VOID

Lunch Rush: EAT!

Ectoplasm: Pirate

Snipe: Bullseye

Vlad King: Vampire

Cementoss: Wall 2.0

Izuku: Deku

Power Loader: Digger

Eraserhead's POV (Also didn't think that was coming soon either did ya):

Who exactly is this person? Nezu can't seem to hack into their device. They might be a villain or a really smart person. 

Why did the person name themselves Deku? What does Deku stand for? 

Wait... Deku is short for dekunobu which means useless! Why is this person downgrading themselves. They seem confident based on the texts

Izuku's POV:

Why did I choose Deku!? 

Oh well. I'll put a new meaning for the name. It sounds like Dekiru. You can do it! Well...I can do anything! Now to answer these guys' questions. I completely forgot I can hack. I started hacking when I was younger to check out fights of underground heroes and ones hidden from the public. Now, to answer their questions.

Speaker: Why Deku?

~ M: Doesn't that mean useless

Wall 2.0: Are you a villain?

Rat Satan: You certainly are an interesting person, huh, Deku

Deku: To answer you questions 1) Deku is a nickname given to me by my tormentors and OMGOMG are you Present Mic? I love your radio show! I listen to it every night!

Speaker: Good to hear from a fan anytime

Deku: 2)I can assure you I am no villain and OMG are you Cementoss!

Deku: I have so many questions about your quirk like whether or not you an adapt to any material and if you were born like how you are. Like in your block mode. Is it a mutation and emitter? What do your parents look like? How much cement can you make? You max amount you have made?

VOID: So many questions

VOID: It's like he's mumbling over text

Wall 2.0: Those are certainly interesting questions

Wall 2.0: Also, how did you figure out my name

Deku: It was easy

Deku: Your names are related to your quirks or your personality

Speaker: That is cool listener

Deku: Anyways, back to the questions

Deku: To answer you question from earlier Nezu

Deku: I know how to hack 

Bullseye: How old are you again

Deku: Can't say

Vampire: Smart

Rat Satan: Well that is certainly interesting

Rat Satan:  I trust your word on this Deku

Rat Satan: Can you tell us who you are though?

A/N: This is crazy! I had to alter the storyline a bit, but now everything makes sense! Hope you like it! Gummi, out!

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