A Surprising Encounter For Sure!

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A/N: The Entrance Exam! We are already at that part of the book! This is crazy! Hope you enjoy it!

Izuku's POV:

Many things have changed in the last few days including me getting my license's finally and me allowing the staff to call me by my given name. They are close and it's like we are one family now, so I couldn't possibly say no! I insisted in the end! Today is also the Entrance Exam and the first time I see All Might after the incident. I'm still angry at him, but it has simmered down over time. I've been taking therapy with Hound Dog to get over all my trauma and start a new chapter in my life which has already started!

"Hi Mi-Izuku!" says Present Mic.


"You ready for the exams?"

"I'm pretty nervous actually! I don't have to take them obviously, but you guys are using MY analyses to determine who goes in the classes!"

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that aspect!"

I deadpan at him.



"That sounds more like a question."

Time Skip to the Spectator Room before Present Mic and Izuku start fighting and duking it out (We don't want that do we?!)

Everyone is sitting in the spectator room watching all the participants do the entrance exam. There are a couple that are standing out to me like this guy with a hardening quirk and red hair, there is also this girl with a gravity manipulation quirk, and this guy with a laser quirk! There are just so many cool quirks here! I don't see Katsuki anywhere, so I assume he went to Juvenile Detention or something. Oh well. I don't care about him anymore. Oh, nope, he's in the corner of the frame. Never mind! I bet he has multiple red marks on his file now though. I bet Nezu just wants to keep an eye on he guy.

All of a sudden the zero-pointer is released by Nezu. It starts rampaging around the whole place.

Isn't that the girl with the manipulation quirk? Oh no, she is going to die if that keeps up! Never mind, the guy with the hardening quirk is coming to save the day. Thank goodness!

All of a sudden, All Might speak up for the first time since I came into the room.

"Nezu, that's close, and who is this kid sitting right next to you?"

"I know that was close and I always have safety precautions added on to the zero-pointers. To answer your question, why don't you tell him Izuku."

"It would be my pleasure to."

"Wait...I remember that voice. You're that quirkless kid from the roof a couple of months ago! I wanted to apologize, I was caught up in the moment, and I didn't know what I was talking about! Please forgive me!"

"Hmmm...fine! But you have a lot to make up for! You ruined my morale and were this close to pushing me to the dark side and dying! And to answer my question of why I am here is because I am Nezu's student for the next three years and they will be using my analyses to choose the people for the hero classes this year! I am also co-teaching with you the hero course!"

"Thank you...and you're what!"

"Yup! You heard me right!"

"This will take a lot to get used to!"

"Enough chit-chat for now! Watch the little gremlins!" says a yellow caterpillar from the floor.

A/N: Who will get in the hero class this year? Who knows? I hope it's not the grape pervert! (More on him next chapter) You'll figure it out soon though! I will most likely update either Wednesday or Thursday this week due to a busy beginning of the week! All Might had a good surprise though, this chapter! What does everyone think will happen to Bakugo? We might figure that out next chapter as well! Anyways, Gummi, out!

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