The Sports Festival! Pt 2.

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A/N: Hey guys! Here's to the drop on the new chapter! Also, I'm sorry for not posting so frequently. I've been busy with a couple of things. Thanks for the 20k reads on this story and I hope you are enjoying it! I hope you follow me to stay updated on these stories and what will happen next! Thanks!

Izuku's POV

Okay, I was allowed to bring a couple of items with me that I made myself due to me being quirkless. Everyone in the hero course was also allowed to do that, but it doesn't seem like they did. That will be a bad choice in the end. Oh well, though. Can't do much about that. I have my own replica of Eraser's scarf, but with a few added things. I also have some daggers and my favorite ones with me which are a pair of twin daggers. I have my own style incorporated with that. I also have a stun gun with many options in that as well, plus a couple of other things for later rounds. I don't think I should sabotage anyone at this point due to everyone needing a chance to show off what they have, but I do think I should stay in the top 10 due to how big of a qualification round this is every year. Becoming number one in the first round will just paint a huge target on my back for no reason. This will show everyone a quirkless nobody can do something and from there, I can win the festival.

"On your marks! Get set! GO!"

Okay, I know for a sure fact Todoroki is going to freeze the whole hallway to sabotage everyone. I should jump right about...NOW!

Izuku jumped at that and just at the right time.

I know that 1-A is familiar with this due to all the practice we had in the spars and exercises we did, so it should not come as a surprise that this happened to them.

Izuku was correct about that. 1-A was indeed ready for this. Everyone from the class somehow got out. Todoroki was in the lead for now.

Todoroki will indeed freeze the robots coming up.


I should just ignore what they are saying. It's not going to be of any use.

Izuku then took a bo staff he had and turned it into a pogo stick. Everyone around him just looked at him like he was crazy, but what they didn't know is that that bo staff/pogo stick was special. It didn't jump small distances, it was meant to travel long distances which is what Izuku did in this part of the race.

He jumped all the way across the obstacle securing second place due to Todoroki already getting past the robots. He saw a piece of a zero-pointer and decided that he could use it later.

He reached the second obstacle and it looked like trenches with different platforms scattered everywhere.

Good thing the pogo stick runs on solar energy! I can use it the whole time!

He then jumped over yet another obstacle, still in second place due to the robot part weighing him down. That part just felt like it would be important to him. .

Seems like the next obstacle is a minefield. Hmm, what do I do? I can't just jump over the obstacle. I'll become first place and I don't need that right now. Wait! I can use the robot part from earlier and use that to gather the bombs! That's it!

Izuku then started gathering all the closest bombs with everyone around him still looking at him like he is crazy and not knowing what big catastrophe is coming their way.

He finished gathering them all and ran with a head start with the robot piece underneath him and his pogo stick ready with his plan going into motion.

With those bombs gathered together, there was a huge explosion showing him speeding out of the pink smoke. Everyone was staring at him with the two top contenders just staring for a second and then starting to run or in Todoroki's case slide and Bakugo's case fly to the finish line.

Izuku soon came toppling downward due to the explosions not having the right amount to propel him right across the course, but he was ready for this. He still had his pogo stick out and ready and in one swift movement, he was on it and was blasted past the contenders due to the robot piece affecting some more mines when it fell out of his grasp.

He started hopping while Bakugo and Todoroki fought for first place.


Phew! One round down, two to go! I need to show this world that quirkless does not mean useless! I can be a hero and I will prove that to everyone!

Meanwhile in the teachers booth

Third Person POV


"Nezu is scaring me at this point," Thirteen says hiding in the corner with everyone there as well or at least whoever is not down in the stadium at the moment.

"What the hell is wrong with this rat!?" Vlad King asks.

"Oh, I can tell you that," the Rat Satan says.

"Izuku found out what my plan was!"

Good play Izuku. I know you figured out that the first place winner for this round is put into the corner for the next! This next round will show who can take on that pressure of being number one and if they can actually prove that they are ready for it. Teamwork is going to be essential for it as well!

A/N: And that is all! I am so sorry for not updating, but here it is! I will be updating my other story in a couple of days and I also have a one-shot idea I might do soon, so stay tuned in! Gummi, out!

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